Zabuza Battle 2.0 part 2

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~Emi's P.O.V~

I look around wearily. "Emi?" Sasuke asks. "Is everything alright?"

"No." I reply. "Nothing is okay. we're being watched." Sasuke's eyes widen slightly. "Alright!" I call. "Come on out!" Two figures emerge from the fog. I gasp. "No!" I say. "That can't be! Zabuza's alive? but that means........." I start to shake, but I hold my ground. A temporary death. I think.

"I thought I killed you." Zabuza says to me. "I guess I didn't cut deep enough."

"Sorry to disappoint." I say.

"You won't take me down that easy again!" Kakashi engages in battle with Zabuza.

"Let me help, Kakashi-sensei." I say. Sasuke grabs my arm.

"No." He says. "Please don't. let him handle this. I couldn't stand it if you got hurt again. you've been hurt so much since we came here......I'm afraid that you'll die this time." I smile a bit, and embrace him.

"Alright." I say. "I'll stay out of this this time."

"Thank you." He replies with relief. Sasuke relaxes.

Soon, Sasuke is engaged in battle with Haku, and he isn't doing to well. "Ice Release: Crystal Ice Mirrors!" Haku says, enveloping the area around Sasuke with mirrors. His attacks are so fast, that he manages to hit Sasuke. I know I promised Sasuke that I'd stay out of this fight. but... i think, running to his side, and slip into the area. Sasuke is bleeding heavly from a wound.

"What are you doing?" Sasuke asks. "I told you to stay out of this!"

"I know." I say. "But I couldn't stand back and let YOU die. You're too important to me, Sasuke. Lets take this bastard down together." He nods.

"You think you can beat me?" Haku asks. "Fools." He throws senbon needles at us from his mirrors. one sticks into my shoulder. I flinch in pain, and pull the needle out. Blood flows down the wound.

~Sasuke's P.O.V~

I see the wound in Emi's shoulder. "You alright?" I ask her. She nods. It makes me wonder if this will ever end. Oh Emi. I think. what have you gotten into. I can't have you die on me. I NEED you. You can't die. I need you to live. You're to important to me. you need to get away while you still can. I need you to live. All of a sudden, a bunch of needles are thrown at Emi. She doesn't have enough time to dodge, so i quickly get in the way. I embrace her, as the needles embed themselves into my back, shoulders and the back of my knees. I gasp in pain, and fall to the ground. The last thing I hear is Emi yelling my name, as I black out.

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