SasuEmi Chapt.

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~Emi's P.O.V~

"Finally!" I say, looking at the gates. "We're home!" I look at Sasuke, and smile a bit. Me and Sasuke had been holding hands the entire time we were traveling. Sakura would try to get him away from me, but he completely ignored her. I stop, and give a slight shudder at a memory.


Sasuke was dying. He took the needles for me, and was now lying in a pool of his blood.

"Sasuke." I cry, trying to get him to wake up. "Please Sasuke, I need you. wake up. please wake up." I lay my head on his chest and sob.

~Flash back end~
"Hey," Sasuke says. "Are you alright? you stopped......" I shake my head.

"Everything's okay. I promise." I say. I look up. "Its getting dark....."

"Yeah?" He asks. "Well, I don't wanna be alone..........."

I trail off. Sasuke gives me a look that says, 'I'm confused'. I roll my eyes.

"Can I stay with you tonight?" I ask. He nods, with a bit of a blush. I chuckle a bit. I lace my fingers through his again, and we set off towards the Uchiha Compound. We just got to the door, when i feel a familiar Chakra signature.

"I'll be there in a minuet...." I say, heading the other way.

"Emi!" I hear.

"Ino. What are you doing here?"

"Well.... I saw you and Sasuke walking together......"

"Have you come to say that he's yours and that I need to stay away?"

"No. no. no. no. no." She says, shaking her hands. "Honestly, I came to congratulate you, Emi......You succeeded where I failed....besides......Sasuke looks more happy with you, than he would with anyone else.." She trails off. I'm a little shocked. "Also..........Did Sakura give you a hard time?"

I nod. "She got so full of envy, that she shredded the dress my sister got me, and stabbed me so hard that she broke my arm......."

"The dress explains why you're wearing Sasuke's clothing." Ino comments. "And what happened? Did Sasuke hurt Sakura for hurting you?"

I nod. "He's still ignoring her."

"Well, after I'm done with Billboard-brow, you won't have to worry about her anymore." I smile a bit.

"Thanks, Ino." I say.

"Emi!" I hear.

"Oh...." I turn and run back to Sasuke. "BYE INO!" I say, waving behind me.

"See ya!" She replies. I run back to Sasuke.

He pulls me into an embrace. "I love you, my flower....." He says.

"I love you too, Sasuke."

We break apart, and head to his room. I shut the door, and sit on the floor. I start rummaging in my bag until i find what I'm looking for.

"Here it is." I say, holding my dress. "It looks brand new....Tsunami really did a good job......lets hope it fits tomorrow...." I also take my boots, leggings and Tank top out. I stand, grabbing my clothes.

"I'm gonna go take a shower, Sasuke." I say. he hns in acknowledgement. I roll my eyes, head to the bathroom. I turn the shower on, and strip myself of Sasuke's clothing.

I wince as I peel the dirty bandage off my wound. Thanks to my healing jutsus, the bone has almost competely healed. All there is is a hairline fracture where the bones meet. that doesn't stop the wound from bleeding a little.

Once the water's hot enough, I step under the hot spray sighing contently. It feels good to get the grime, mud, dirt, and dry blood off my body.

I wash my hair to get all the dirt and mud out of it. my hair was so dirty, that it was the color of Sasuke's hair,

(A/N: im not joking. she had so much dirt, mud and dry blood stuck to her body, that it looked like her skin tone was black...............) but I returned it to it's natural shade of blue. when I was done, I dried off, and got dressed. I then bandage the wound

I headed back to Sasuke's room. He was already changed and sitting on the bed. my heart started pounding. I was about to share a bed with SASUKE!

I sit on the bed next to him, and lace my fingers through his. He wraps his arms around me, and lies on the bed, taking me with him.

I let out a bit of a startled squeak. He chuckled at that. I turn to face him. "I love you Sasuke."

"As I you, my Flower." He kisses me, gently. I kiss back, putting in pressure. He pulls back, panting slightly.

I bury my face in his chest, and quickly fall asleep.

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