Emi's Heart

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~3rd P.O.V~

Emi ran into the woods, shrouded by darkness and leaves, small cuts are left on her body because of that, A burning, stinging sensation is left on the wound made from the kunai, blood soaked the clothes she was wearing, that now had small cuts in them. Emi was sobbing. She had left a note on Sasuke's bed saying that everyone hated her, and that she was leaving team 7 because it was better that way.

She soon sank to her knees, too upset to keep running. it was there that she curled up on the ground, and sobbed louder than before. Sakura hated her. She got Naruto to hate her as well as Kakashi-sensei. Soon, Sakura would have Emi's lover on her side as well. She was hated by everyone. She hadn't done anything wrong, so why? why did she need to be punished? Sasuke was the only person she had left...... Even he probably hated her now too. the only people who truly cared about her were, Elise, Itachi, and.......Sasuke, as well as her mother. But Elise and Itachi tore themselves away from her heart. Now Sasuke would be torn from her as well, leaving her heart empty. Empty with so many holes. it hurt. Was everyone meant to be torn from her grasp? Was she meant to be alone for the rest of her life? Emi sat up and looked to the sky, which was dark with clouds. she felt drops or rain on her face.

"WHY!?" She yelled to the sky. "WHY ME?! DO YOU LOVE TORTURING ME!? DO YOU LOVE SEEING ME SUFFER!? DO HATE ME!?" She sobbed hard. "FUCK YOU!" She screamed. "KUSO!" She yelled ranted and finally screamed. why did her heart have to be empty? Didn't she deserve to be loved?

"I'm nothing." She says. "I don't deserve to be loved. Maybe the only reason that Sasuke was my friend was because he felt sorry for me."

"That's not true," she hears. She looks up to see Sasuke standing over Her.

~Emi's P.O.V~

"Sasuke," I whisper, my voice hoarse from screaming so much. He drops down next to me, and starts cleaning my wounds. After he was done, He pulled me into his arms and held me tightly.

"Never say no one cares about you." He says. "Because that's not true." I bury my face into his neck. "I care. I always will care, my Flower. that bitch needs to stay away, and mind her own business. She needs to stop hurting you." He kisses my forehead.

"Now Come on, we should talk to Kakashi about what Sakura did to you.... or you should get some rest," Sasuke says helping me back to Tazuna's house.

Soon after we entered the door, we both got glares from Naruto and Sakura who were eating dinner and a curious stare from Kakashi. Sasuke took me back to his room handing me, Grey shorts like his and a Dark blue almost Black shirt to where.

"Change I.. I-i I wont look.." Sasuke says, A little bit of pink on his face as he turned away, I giggled but changed into the clothes, they smelled like Sasuke.

"I-I'm done" I said, He turned around, His face red from blushing but was slowly dying down.

"Lets go get you something to eat.

"Okay" I reply, heading down stairs.

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