Chapter 14.2

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The day that Isabel died, both Kelvin and Phoenix had seen Susan push her right after the woman had failed to push Kelvin into the path of the oncoming car while pretending to trip since Isabel managed to pull him back in time and the two children had spared no effort to try and show their father what kind of person his wife was, but all their efforts only had the opposite effect once Susan shed some tears and spoke 'good words' about them only being troubled and that she wouldn't blame them for being angry with her for causing their mother's death.

The woman's white lotus act only caused their dimwitted father to trust her more and become even more dissatisfied with the two of them.

By then, Kelvin had already learned to read certain situations and knew that no amount of talking or proof would change Brycen's mind, so he completely gave on tying to help his father seek treatment, but Phoenix was not the same.

She was angry and full of hate towards Susan, but more than anything else, she had been deeply disappointed in Brycen. The woman was obviously evil and had bad intentions, so why couldn't her father see it?

The woman threatened them both on many occasions, she didn't try to hide her hostility towards them, yet whenever she was in front of Brycen, she turned into a pitiful lamb being bullied by white eyed wolves. Phoenix couldn't stand it and if it hadn't been for Kelvin holding her back on many occasions, she would have long shoved the infuriating tramp down the winding staircase and because of that, her disappointment in Brycen only grew and grew and before Kelvin knew it, he couldn't even remember the last time he had seen his sister smile although that sickening giggle had always been at the tip of her lungs before.

Although the man never really cared for them from the time they were born and was pretty much only a face they saw in the wedding photo Isabel kept on the night stand or saw on the TV when Kim pointed him out or a name on a birthday present, Phoenix had wholly accepted Brycen as her father and in her heart, she loved him like any other little girl loved their daddy, and Brycen broke her heart. She hated him and she didn't hesitate to show it which only caused Brycen's dissatisfaction towards her to grow.

A year after Isabel's death when the two started high school, while Kelvin joined the elite, prestigious Roland High School in D City which was only a two hour flight away, Phoenix was sent overseas to a Small Ivy League boarding school and she never stepped foot in A Country again.

The same year that the two started high school, the Jaeger family welcomed a new member, the youngest son, Kyle Jaeger who was born with curly blonde hair claimed to be inherited from his mother's side of the family and his father's blue eyes. Sadly, he also inherited his mother's deceptive ways even from a young age he was a festering thorn in Kelvin's side-- though he could never be dealt with since Susan made sure that just like herself, her son had an outstanding yet pitiful public image and was greatly supported by the masses. Kelvin couldn't touch him and Brycen was still as clueless as he had always been and without Phoenix around to help him weather through like before, the days when he returned to the house during breaks turned into endless torture for Kelvin. He praised the day he left for college overseas.

Kelvin attended the J University and it wasn't because their business faculty was ranked in the top five best business schools worldwide, but only because it was situated in M Country where his sister was living.

By then Kelvin hadn't seen Phoenix for almost four whole years and just as he had grown into a young man, she had become a young woman and resembled their mother so much that it had brought Kelvin to tears when they met up that first day at a café near the university.

Phoenix didn't attend J University, but K University which was in the same precinct; she was studying to be a lawyer.

Those five years of university were the most peaceful days Kelvin ever had since the name 'Susan Walker' appeared and they were over all too soon with him on a plane back to A Country, leaving Phoenix behind to face that woman and her son and whatever hell they hoped to put him through, but Kelvin wasn't afraid of them.

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