Chapter 16

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"Mrs. Jaeger, my name is Dale Winters; I'm your husband's attorney. May we have a bit of your time to discuss some things?"

"Discuss? With me?" Isabel pretended to be surprised and making herself more comfortable against the pillows behind her as she began to scratch Kelvin's head, making the little boy purr like a satisfied cat, she tossed a raised eyebrow at Brycen in the corner. "What could be so important to talk about that you would come here yourself?"

Brycen didn't answer and only gave Dale a look.

"Mrs. Jaeger---"

"It's either Ms. Rogers or just Isabel, please Mr. Winters."

Isabel directed a sweet smile at Dale, but the man couldn't help but shudder, because there was an icy coldness that pieced him from within that smiling expression. It was far more terrifying than any outright hostile projection.

"Also, I would like to hear the answer from Mr. Jaeger himself, you're not his mouth piece... or are you?"

Dale was shocked. This was his first time meeting Isabel Rogers, the woman that Brycen had married, in person and being stared at directly by those dazzling golden orbs that carried hints of teasing and amusement and unexpected pressure, Dale honestly felt restless.

He had of course seen the woman before in fashion magazines and on TV, especially with the high popularity of the drama she was acting in, 'My Lord, My Lady' as the love spurned younger sister of the female lead who was desperately in love with her older sister's husband and he couldn't help but wonder if the star beloved by thousands and the scheming fox Brycen often told him and their friends about were the same person.

Born as the second son in a rich household, Dale never had much expectation placed on him and was actually quite neglected within his family, almost invisible.

Growing up, he never believed himself to be an emotional or sentimental person, but even he couldn't stop himself from sympathizing with Lady Clarisse who time and time again found herself in the position of hiding the love affairs of both her sister and brother-in-law, the man she loved just so the only home she ever had wouldn't be ripped apart by the preying royal family.

As the second female lead, Lady Clarisse suffered much for the sake of the two protagonists who were too caught up in their emotional affairs to take a look at what was really happening around them and she had to do it all while shouldering a broken heart; it only made the viewers love her more.

Her tear stained expression whenever she would confess her woes to the 'Magic Mirror' in the manor's basement, was enough to provoke any man's protective instincts; even him, who always believed himself to be heartless.

On his way over here, he had made the decision to not let his judgement of 'Isabel Rogers' be affected because he was a fan of 'Lady Clarisse' because the portrayal of a fictional character was exactly only that and the true character of a person compared to the public image they projected were often miles apart, especially in the entertainment circle. However, even though he knew that, Dale still couldn't help the utter shock he felt in this moment while being faced with this woman who was like a languid predatory feline, toying with her food.

She was completely different from the projected, bubbly and sweet image of 'Izzy' that her fans adored, also different from the pitiful and heartbroken Lady Clarisse and... honestly, he couldn't see a woman like this clinging to Brycen for her life even if his own life depended on it. This woman, she was obviously a queen amongst women; even if she was acting, that aura couldn't be faked.

Dale found himself growing interested in this woman, though it was only a fleeting thought.

But, no matter how fleeting a thought it was, the look that flashed briefly in his eyes did not escape the eagle vision of a certain little bun whose mother was his life. Kelvin was not happy.

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