Chapter 2

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The fight started and I threw a right hook and hit him right in the jaw. "should have protected your face" I taunted. I could tell that made his blood boil, he sharply breathed in before delivering a punch. He tried. He failed. I easily dogded his punch, it was sloppy. I moved behind him and gave a sharp kick right in the center of his back. He fell forward. As he stood up, I did a roundhouse kick hitting him hard in the chest.

"You can fight well for a girl " He let his guard down. He recieved a punch in the face.
He lowered his stance and sent a punch heading for my abdomen. As I received the punch, I grabbed his fist and threw my leg over his arm. I laughed at the confused alpha. With my leg resting on his arm, I shifted all my weight into his arm causing us both to fall.

As he lay on the floor I gave him a swift kick in the abdomen and pinned him to the ground. "1...2...3...4..." I heard my pack chant. "9...10!". They cheered even though it was unsurprising that I won. "That's not fair" whined the idiot (James) "why not? I won round 1" he huffed as he face had started to turn black and blue.

I was proud as I wiped away the smug look that was on his face. "ROUND 2!" Gavin yelled.

I went be hind a tree, removed my clothes and shifted. I carried my clothes in the mouth of my large light grey wolf. My wolf was bigger than me and bigger than James' wolf. His wolf was black, brown and grey mixed together.

I walked over to the training building and placed my clothes by my bag.
This time there was no one standing around except for me, Hudson, Gavin and James. Both Hudson and Gavin were in wolf form. Both wolves were golden yellow, Hudson's wolf had grey eyes where as Gavin's had pale blue. I had violet and James had red eyes.

"Ready and go" Gavin yelled. James and I began circling each other. Lou, you have to be in control otherwise I could kill him. Katie was a violent wolf, she loved a good fight but she hated taking the life of another, she felt guilty for every life lost and our paws or our command. Ok, give me half control. I still need my wolf to fight a wolf on wolf combat. We both laughed.

James growled at us, he must have thought we were laughing at him. I growled back.

I charged at his side but he batted me away easily. I fell revealing my soft, vulnerable underbelly. He moved like a predatory animal who just caught his prey. I rolled away and my eyes, I could tell, shifted to show more violet and less of my green eyes.

My new attack was aimed at his neck courtesy of Katie. I made my way swiftly over to him and latched onto his neck.

I tasted his blood as my canines broke his flesh. "1...2...3...4...5...6" Gavin chanted, well it was Daring his wolf who spoke. "9...10. Loss to the chagrin pack and an unsurprising victory to the Aquarius pack".

James snarled and barred his teeth. I didn't let go. "Stop, Alpha Louise release him" Hudson yelled. I still didn't let go. I was fighting for control. K you need to give control to me I yelled but she didn't listen stop being stubborn. You'll kill him and with that I was given control and my eyes turned fully green and I let go.

"Sorry. Now, you must keep up your end of the deal" I could be very authoritative when it need be. James' wolf looked up and stared at me and bluntly said "no".

"No? What do you mean no. You will hold up your end of the deal or I will see to it personally that you are killed and either your eldest child or your beta becomes alpha moon and I will inform them of your deal which they must follow through in or they will suffer similar fates".

It was obvious that he was take back by my threats, "very well then. I Alpha James of the chagrin pack here by declare the removal of my alpha status and pronounce my beta's mate Naomi Jane Dover the new alpha star of the chagrin pack".

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