Chapter 26

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Last night was - I don't know how to describe it. Everyone will know he is mine and I am his; I always wanted that, well after I got rid of the idea of becoming insane like my parents started to. I was awake before him, in fact I never fell asleep. I feel stronger as a person, as a wolf and as a witch and I know he feels the same.

I spent the night awake, creating these gorgeous scenes in gold with my magic. Some of them were memories from my childhood or times I was with Gavin but there were a few that kept coming appearing.

I kept creating two gorgeous, almost identical girls, with waist length light brown hair; they had purple blue eyes, flawless skin and amazing figures. I saw them growing up from infancy to teens to adults. They were inseparable. I've never seen them before in my life but I feel as if I know everything about them. Emma-Louise and Sara-Jane. Those were their names, I don't know how I knew that but I did.

I watched them running around in a private garden full of roses, tulips and daisies. No matter what age they were they always seemed to go to this garden. As they got older they sat underneath a golden arch gateway on a marble bench. They talked about anything there, it was their special place.

When Gavin woke up, I couldn't wait to tell him about the two girls. "Gav, Gav wake up, I have something to show you." He whipped his eyes and sat up, "what is it?" I brought up the scenes of the girls again and I could tell he felt the exact same way about them as I did "Emma Louise and Sara Jane" he looked at me confused. "That's their names Emma Louise and Sara Jane. I don't know how I know but those are their names."

He looked back at the scenes playing before us "our daughters" now it was my turn to be confused. I have never been pregnant and I don't think I am now. "They are our future daughters" again I was still confused as to how he knew this. "Louise, your pregnant. I'm a physic sorta it's how I knew you were my mate long before you knew but the mate bond was still forming when I found out so it wasn't too bad for me."

My mate was physic, I'm a witch, I wonder if that's what Luna meant. We weren't made by her as we aren't full wolves. "So, does this mean I'm now physic? Gavin I want to try something" I grabbed his hand a put it out flat in-front of me with the palm facing up "focus and repeat this. Incendium." He closes his eyes, took a deep breath and started repeating 'incendium'. Slowly but surely a small flame started growing in his palm starting of the size of a 5p and growing to the size of his palm. "Open your eyes!" I couldn't believe we now shared each other's abilities.

When he opened his eyes he was surprised to see the fire in his hands. He lost focus upon seeing the flame and it quickly disappeared. "Ok ok so we are definitely better together than separate. Give me your hands there's someone we need to talk to. Repeat after me". We started chanting 'lunam descéndit' (moon down) waiting for Luna to come to us.

"You called us?" We stopped and turned to face Luna, who as always was dressed in a long slivery white dress with a moon necklace hanging around her neck. Beside Luna there was someone neither of us had seen before. She had sun kissed skin and wore a soft gold, off the shoulder,  cocktail dress with white wedged heels. Her hair was long blonde hair in beach waves. She looked ready for summer.

(Authors note: this is how I picture her dress)

"Luna, yes we did but who's that?" I turned to the other goddess "I'm sorry I don't know who you are" she laughed before speaking "I'm Pheobe sun goddess

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"Luna, yes we did but who's that?" I turned to the other goddess "I'm sorry I don't know who you are" she laughed before speaking "I'm Pheobe sun goddess. Where my sister makes wolves and creatures of the night, I make witches, banshees, creatures of the day and those who see the future. I don't make humans though that's someone else all together."

Wow, I didn't know what to say, I was currently standing in front of both my species' creature. "I have a question though. How come I'm both wolf and witch if they're made by two different beings?" She took a sighed, paused trying to think of a way to word her answer. "Well, to make it so you look similar to you parents I had to take DNA from them which contained the wolf gene making you a wolf and then I added the magic when making you both" Pheobe answered before Luna continued "and since I didn't know this and saw both of you developing I panicked thinking I had missed you so I took you and made you a wolf and after I made you a wolf I felt something different about you.

Louise you have a witch ancestor that's too far back for magic to be transferred to you but since my sister gave you magic it took the form of your ancestor's magic." So that's what she meant before, us being made by someone else.

"I have a question though. Well first like there's a prophecy about me, like how did that come about and also why did Pheobe make us, when both our parents are wolves?" The looked at each other, not knowing what to say "or do you two not know the answer?" Neither one of them spoke. "Will someone answer me!" I roared causing Gavin to cower in submission and for both goddesses to bow their heads.

"I don't know about the first one and the second one I made a mistake. Twice. But may I just say you are probably the most powerful being I've ever met." Pheobe responded and it was true I could feel their slight submission as well as Gavin's complete submission. It was a bit strange but I was proud that I made them submit to me. Didn't actually think that it was possible to make a goddess submit to a mere wolf.

"Ok. Thank you for finally answering. I have a new question though. How was I able to make you submit? Even if it was only a small amount." This time Luna responded a lot quicker "you are more special than just also being a witch. You will be able to move mountains, I can't tell you anymore. We need to go." And with they vanished in a cloud of gold and silver.

Where they stood a note was in their place. I bent down and picked it up. "Tell the world who you are and that you were visited from me but don't mention Pheobe." Gavin stood behind me, looking over my shoulder as I read the note aloud.

"We have to do as she says Lou. We have to tell the world of our power"

Authors note
Sun goddess - name's Pheobe - means bright and pure.

Sorry for how long it's taking me to write and publish chapters recently. Honestly I haven't really been feeling like writing, so I don't write. Sorry for the wait and all future waiting. Hope you can understand that I write when I want to, when I feel like it and that I write for fun, for something to do for me and something for you to read.

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