Chapter 22

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I sat in front of Danelle as she had her hands pressed against the side of my temples. Her eyes were closed and her head down as she concentrated on finding the owner of the voice.

"That's....strange." She looked up and let go of my head, "There's two owners of the voice. One's dead and the other's alive."

"How van a dead person's voice be in my head?" I questioned confused by how - well what I asked. "It is incredibly rare that this happens. Does Alpha White ring any bells?" I shook my head no and looked at Gavin who sat beside me, he looked as if he knew something I didn't which was also incredibly rare.

"I know who Alpha White is. Jackson White, he is, well was, the rogue alpha who sought 'protection' in the pack and the one who tried to kill you" He looked slightly ashamed admitting this, "and I killed him." He finished of by saying. I got up, walked over to him and hugged him, squeezing him tightly.

I turned my head to look at Danielle, with my arms still around him, "who's the other voice belong to?" I removed one arm from Gavin so I stood beside him, with one arm around him and he had an arm around me.

"Eleanor White. A witch, a child to Jackson and Elizabeth white." I shook my head in confusion. "I don't know an Eleanor, Gav do you?" I looked up towards Gavin who also shook his head.

"Give me your hands." I reached forward and took her hands. I screamed in pain and she looked through my mind trying to find Eleanor. When the pain stopped, she pulled up the memory of me first meeting Elizabeth. "Alpha, you have met Eleanor. That's her in that memory." I shook my head again "no that's Elizabeth she helped me with my magic at the start."

She shook her head, "No, that is most defiantly Eleanor White from the Victorian pack. She's the 10th strongest witch and everyone knows the top strongest witches." I snatched my hands back and stormed out of the room.

I felt the voices' presence this time in enough time. I quickly put up a wall between my mind and the voices. I found Elizabeth sitting, meditating, alone in the room we gave her. "Eleanor!" She jumped slightly, she stopped meditating and I felt the voices' presence weaken. She was defiantly behind this.

"Who are you? Um I mean I'm not Eleanor I'm Elizabeth." I stood behind her and used my magic to force her to turn around to face me. "Cut the crap Eleanor. Did you really think I wouldn't find out!" I was furious. I had trusted her and she stabbed me in the back.

"It's not what you think Louise I swear!" She pleaded. I looked into her eyes and saw the focus that they contained and I felt her voice back in my head. I threw her across the room and held her against the wall with magic.

"I had a more powerful witch train me and go through my mind to find you and your dad. Gavin should have killed you both." I spat at her before mind linking Gavin to bring guards to her room and have others prepare the magic proof prison cell. "You are going to rot in a cell where you can't do any more harm and just as an extra precaution."

I grabbed both her wrists and focused on taking her magic. As her magic seeped from her to me she screamed in agony, crying out for me to stop. When I stopped Gavin had arrived with two guards and she had very little magic left in her.

I winced in pain as I felt something bring burned on the inside of my wrist. I looked down and saw the number '1' marked on my skin. Around the one there were yellow, turquoise and violet roses which were outlined in a magic gold ink.

I tuned the 1 towards Eleanor, "what does this mean, Eleanor?" She laughed nervously, "It means you are the strongest witch, not only in the Victorian coven or in the British isles but in the world. The roses symbolise that your British, the colours are those of your pack and well the one is obvious."

I signalled for the guards to take her away, they roughly grabbed both her arms after putting magic cancelling chains on her wrists. Surprisingly she didn't struggle, like most prisoners do, she walked looking straight ahead. "You should've killed me when you had the chance Alpha Moon Louise. I will not fail like my father did!" She spat before being dragged completely out of the room.

Gavin remained behind and closed the door, he wrapped his arm around my shoulder and giving me a squeeze. "Now for chocolate and ice-cream." And on cue he pulled out a small tub of ben and Jerry's ice cream and a big bar of chocolate. "YES!!!!" I squealed, jumping, grabbing the ice cream and chocolate.

"Where were you hiding this?" He shrugged his shoulders, "doesn't matter. Last one to my living room gets none!" I was so childish when it came to ice cream but I could tell he loved it. I ran out of the room, cheating slightly buy using magic to push Gavin back.

I was squealing with laughter and I flew down the halls. When I got into my living room, I looked round before shouting "I am the winner!!" And pointing everywhere around me.

I went over to the cupboard to grab a spoon, when I felt two arms go around me. I put the ice cream and chocolate down and proceeded to look as if I was getting a spoon before kicking back hard.

I heard them groan with pain, I turned around, "Oh my Godess Gavin I'm so so so sorry. You can have some of my food then." I smiled and he laughed at my childish nature. "And this is why you are the alpha not me." He then laughed again before turning me around and wrapping his arms around me.

I grabbed two spoons and opened the ice cream, broke up the chocolate and put it into the ice cream. I put one of the spoons in the ice cream getting a spoonful of ice cream before lifting it above my head, shoving it into Gavin's mouth, "I guess you can have some." I grabbed the small tub, before turning around and pointing to the sofa.

He laughed and let me walk past him a bit before picking me up bridal style, jumping and spinning me around. "Stop and put me on the sofa!!!" He threw me down and the only thing I shouted was "I COULD HAVE DROPPED MY ICECREAM!!!!!" I crossed my arms and pretend to huff.

Then he reached for the tub of ice cream but before he reached it I blocked it my arm and used my magic to gently push him away. "This is mine now. You almost made me drop it." He walked around the sofa and sat down beside me. He pat the sofa beside his waist, so I moved over resting my head on his shoulder.

I sat on the sofa slightly curled up while resting my head on his shoulder before I announced "I want to start the mating ritual." I felt him tense slightly underneath me, I looked up at him and he looked down at me, "are you sure?" I sat upright and looked straight at him.

"Why do you thing we shouldn't? Do you not want to? I knew I shouldn't have brought it up, forget about it." I got up to put the spoons and empty ice cream tub in the bin.

"No Louise no that's not it at all." I turned to look at him, my head hung slightly lower than normal, "no it's ok it doesn't really matter." I turned and walked towards my bedroom leaving Gavin sitting on the sofa by himself.

I really want to start the mating process it's been over a year since we found out we were mates.


Gavin - Sebastian Stan
Louise - Selena Gomez
Elizabeth/Eleanor White - Ariana Greenblatt

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