Chapter 11

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"Of course I can see you. Why what's wrong?" Elizabeth then put he hand on my arm just below my shoulder.

As I was speaking I started point towards the pack house, "I was just in my room my room with" I stopped pointing and faced her, "and I'm sitting beside him and suddenly he can't see me and I can walk through things and then I was trying to figure out where you could be and now I'm here and Gavin couldn't hear me and I don't know what's happening."

Where me and Elizabeth stood lots of daisies grew but the ones around my feet began dying. I took a step back, away from the dead daisies but wherever I stood the plants died. "Elizabeth, what's happening? Why are they dying? Why couldn't Gavin see me? Why could I-" before I could finish rain began to fall but only on the pair of us. I looked up and saw a singular rain cloud, hanging low over our heads. I snapped my head down and looked at Elizabeth, who was slowly stepping back.

The more stressed and annoyed I became the more rain that fell and the larger the cloud grew. "Louise calm down. I've never seen this happen before with a newly discovered witch." She didn't know what was happening, she didn't know what to do and that was worrying.

"So you don't know what to do. I thought you could help me!" The anger within me grew gradually but at a quick pace. She took a few steps towards me but I raised my hand to stop her coming closer. That was a bad mistake. When I raised my hand she was sent flying across open road on which we stood.

I brought my hand to my face and covered my mouth. "What have I- what am I? Lizzie I'm so sorry." Tears filled my eyes, I turned away not able to look at her after what I did. I need to get away from everyone.

I closed my eyes and thought of my private panic/emergency room. I hadn't been in there in 10 years. I concentrated hard just as I had done to find Elizabeth. I disappeared from her view and opened my eyes to see the familiar room. It hadn't changed at all.

It had a double bed, two single beds and a baby's cot. There was also a bathroom a gym a large kitchen filled with imperishable foods. I also noticed a door which I don't think I ever seen before or at least not noticed. It was the only door in the room that didn't have a window or a sigh saying what the room was.

I made sure that the door into the room was locked before walking over to the mystery room door. I put my hand on the door knob and slowly turned the handle. I took a deep breath in and opens the door.

A wall. Behind the door was a wall. "Are you serious!" I yelled at no one. Luckily the room was sound proof which was handy in an emergency cause it meant no one could find you and it's handy now because no one knows I'm here.

I banged on the wall out of annoyance before turning and putting my back against the wall. I slowly slid down the wall until I sat on the floor with my back touching the wall. "Abierto por favor!" I quietly whined. My mum's family was originally from Spain but somewhere along the line someone got mated to someone in the UK then eventually to someone in the Aquarius pack.

After I said abierto the wall vanished as if it had never been there. Since I hadn't expected it to disappear I fell back hitting my head of the hard concrete floor. "Ah mierda mi cabeza" I said while rubbing the back of my head. I slowly sat up and looked around me.

Where the wall used to be there was now portraits of previous alphas and lunas. I got up and walked further into the room the wall reappeared behind me trapping me in the room. I saw nothing but darkness with no light entering the room. "Shit really! No light uh!" My day keeps getting worse.

First discovering powers which was kinda cool, then becoming invisible unknowingly then Elizabeth not know what to do then hitting my head on the concrete and now being trapped in darkness. Great. "Luz" That did nothing. I thought it would work because last time I spoke Spanish the wall disappeared just how I wanted it to.

"Lux!" Nothing. "Φως!" (Don't know how it's pronounced) Again nothing. I have no clue how I know Latin and Greek. "Luz lux Φως! Luz lux Φως" after chanting the three words together slight light flickered on then off again. "It's not working." I took a deep breath and sat down cross legged on the floor.

I closed my eyes and thought about different sources of light. Bulbs, candles, LEDs. Bulbs candles LEDs. While chanting these over and over again in my mind I also pictured a well lit room and lights hanging around me. I opened my eyes after a few minutes and saw the room filled with light.

Except it wasn't a room at all. It was a corridor, a tunnel type thing. I couldn't see anything further down the tunnel as the light only surrounded the area I stood in. I walked further and further down the corridor.

It was too late to turn back now so I had to keep going. I walked for what felt like hours but I knew it was only a few minutes, possible only 10 or 20 minutes.

After ages I came across a door with no windows so I couldn't see inside. When I tried to open it, it was locked. I concentrated on going to the other side of the door but when I tried I felt a barrier stopping me from entering.

"That's odd. That hasn't happened in the last 2 days of me knowing about my magic" I tried again but this time instead of trying to transport to the other side I concentrated on unlocking the door. I gripped tightly onto the handle and closed my eyes. I pictured going inside the lock and unlocking it from the inside. After a few more minutes I heard the lock click and I pushed down on the handle and threw my weight at the heavy door to open it.

What I saw before me I couldn't believe. I stood in what looked like a house attached to the pack house.

What I saw caused my heart rate to quicken and my breathing to become faster, shallower and heavier. I tugged at my collar to try and loosen it to see if it would help. It didn't. I slowly began to loose my sight, everything was becoming blurry, my head was light headed and the colour drained from my body. Slowly my vision disappeared leaving me seeing everything in a blurry mess and I was unable to keep my self up right. I very quickly fainted. I couldn't believe what I just saw.

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What did Louise see and how will she come with her new magic

Louise - Selena Gomez
Elizabeth - Ariana Greenblatt

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