Chapter 15

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I stood in room of Elizabeth's mind and noticed somethings different about her mind than wolf minds. Where in a wolf mind all you see is what the person sees if they are old enough and are in the right position otherwise all you see is a lit lightbulb as well as one other door which leads you to memories.

In Elizabeth's mind there were loads of doors, for example, spells, memories and current location. I found a door which showed what she saw and walked through it.

I saw me. Beside me Alex still sat beside me and Gavin was walking around the room. I sat with my legs now crossed on the bed, my eyes wide open and only the whites of my eyes shown. I noticed that any time I blinked a few seconds later so did my body.

"Will you do something! Not all of us can see her!" Gavin was getting impatient and his voice rang through my ears slightly echoey due to the fact I heard of from my ears as well as Elizabeth's.

"Elizabeth? Can you hear me?" I asked and I knew I mind linked her because my mouth didn't move. "Louise? What are you doing and how can YOU link me?" She added emphasise on the 'you'. I shrugged my shoulders which I saw my body do so I know she saw it.

"I have no clue what to do. My family I thought was dead for 10 years turns out to be alive. I have magic. And to top it off my emotions are all over the place." In my voice you could hear the sorrow and my attempts to hold back the tears. "How can you see me but no one else can?" I was genuinely curious surely she shouldn't be able to see me.

"You are allowing me to see you. You are the most powerful witch in existence no one can see through your magic no matter how skilled or powerful they are unless you let them." She explained.

"How can you see the actions I'm doing? Like why is my body doing the actions I'm doing that doesn't usually happen."

She explained how unlike wolves actions can't always be sent through linking and also the fact that since I'm watching myself we're in such close proximity to each other that it's like having a conversation with no words. She also said how I'm apart of her coven and so I'm able to speak to the coven the same way I mind link my pack and that I'm the only person alive that will be able to join and bring wolf and witch kind together permanently.

I was so shocked and taken back, by the fact I'm the only being able to join wolf and witch, that I snapped out of the link and my magic faltered making myself visible. Suddenly I became bombarded with hugs from Gavin, Alex and Elizabeth.

I quickly became uncomfortable so I used magic to pry them off me and I accidentally threw Gavin across the room as he was the first one I removed. I rushed over to him and got down beside him. "I'm so sorry. I don't know my magics strength just yet." I gave him a quick look over just to make sure he wasn't injured or anything.

"Gavin I'm so sorry." My voice was still sorrow as well as slight pain. "Lou it's ok, really. I'm fine and it's going to be ok" he tried to reassure me but it wasn't working.

"No it's not ok. I'm a danger to everyone and I'm the Alpha I'm supposed to protect everyone and yet as of now I'm a danger to everyone." I shouted tears slowly falling from my eyes. I raised my hand to the top of my head beside my natural part and grabbed a handful of hair.

I took a deep breath before releasing my hair before slowly letting my hair fall down my face and stopping with my thumb hooked around my jaw with my nail just below my ear. I wiped my eyes to rid them of tears. "I want to be alone" no one moved "I WANT TO BE ALONE!" I repeated in a shout. This time everyone in the room left but eventually I heard a knock on the door.

"Go away" I mumbled under my breath while wiping away all the tears that had fallen. I heard the knock again so I repeated myself, "Go away." They kept knocking. I was starting to getting a bit pissed at them. I turned to face the door and was about to lock the door with magic when I saw my brother standing at the door.

I lowered my raise arm after opening the door. I turned to face the wall opposite the door. "What do you want Robbie?" He walked over to the hospital bed and sat beside me facing the same way as I was. He put his arm around my shoulders and started rocking me side to side.

"Do you remember how anytime you were sad or hurt or something, one of us would sit beside you and rock you like this? Huh?" I tensed up as I thought back to my childhood. Robbie noticed and stopped rocking me. "Louise we're worried about you."

My head snapped round to face him. My once teary eyed facial expression turned cold with tears still slowly falling. "If you really cared about me you wouldn't have let me believe you were dead!" I yelled with slight frustration in my voice.

I didn't care how he felt at that time. I wanted him to feel hurt because of my words. I wanted my family to know how I felt the past 10 years.


Louise - Selena Gomez
Gavin - Sebastian Stan
Elizabeth - Ariana Greenblatt
Robbie - Ross Lynch

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