About lousie's family and the legend

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Here you will learn more about Abigail and her legend, more about the coven and more about the legend and Louise's family and what happened to them and how becoming alpha so young affected her.

Louise's family
In the first chapter, when we are first introduced to Louise and James, she mentions how her family was killed in a rogue attack and this is then later enforced in chapter 2 when the rogues enter the pack.

Louise was the youngest of 10 children and she was born to be alpha moon (she was born with a moon shaped birthmark which identifies the alpha moon).

Her mother was a high ranking warrior who knew her father most of her life. Her parents were mates the same way as her and Gavin. Her father, as mentioned in the last chapter, was alpha. Just a plain alpha.

Louise and her siblings were a family of fast agile strong wolves built to be warriors.

When her family died her parents were both 40. Her eldest two sisters was 20 and 18. Then two of her brothers were 17 (they were twins). Then she had a 16 and 14yr old sisters and 3 12yr old brothers and she was 8 at the time of her family's death.

Because of both her parents being of high statuses her and her siblings spent a lot of time training in different fighting styles and how to use and make different weapons. Because Louise was to be alpha she was taught how to defend where as her siblings were taught to protect and attack.

During the rogue attack, her close family, her aunts and uncles fought with the beta and gammas to protect her Gavin and Hudson. She lost a lot of her family and the ones that were left she didn't know, they couldn't care for her or were unable to do anything. That is why she stayed with Clara and not family.

Clara's mother was a lower rank warrior than her mother and the two knew each other. Clara's father was Louise's dad's only advisor, so when Louise stayed with them and became alpha, he helped and guided her.

By the age of 10 Louise was able to run the pack mainly by herself but still wanted the advice and assistance and she also made sure Hudson and Gavin were being trained and prepared for the roles they were going to take on when they turned 14.

When Louise was 12 she had made deals and formed alliances with almost 98 countries. Also during this year there was a hunter attack in packs across the UK but she managed to create a peace treaty with the humans. Something no other Alpha has ever done.

Since she became alpha so young she has worked twice as hard in all areas than most other alphas because she had to prove herself to them and her pack.

Now 10 years after the attack, she gets to relax a bit more because everyone knows what's she capable of and she has so much less work to do. As I mentioned near the beginning of the book the wolf council is scared of her slightly that is because of her becoming alpha so young and not letting anything stop her from doing what needed to be done and also the fact she comes from a warrior style family. She is not someone you want to mess with.

She prematurely shifted because during the rogue attack, she felt helpless and she saw people dying all around her. Her feeling helpless brought about so much frustration and adrenaline that she shifted and ran away from the attack.

So anytime her family is brought up at all she begins to tear up that's because she fled the fight and believes that if she didn't her family could still be alive and she carries around the guilt of her family's death as well even though it wasn't her fault.

The legend
You already know the legend from the last chapter but there is a prophecy along with it. The prophecy is:

A wolf born to warrior and ruler gets left alone. The young wolf will do what has never been done and will go against everything and always try to do what's right. With help from witch, mate and doctor they will rule and find their true self and join wolf and witch together.

The prophecy is unknown to Elizabeth Alex and Louise but it is very much evident that it's about Louise.

The legend itself is part myth. So where the legend says the person has to be worthy and also that every descendant has the potential to unlock the magic is a myth because the prophecy says how a certain wolf will be the one to have the magic.

Each generation from Thornway onwards learns about the legend at some point and they all know of the prophecy. Louise being chosen to have the magic as well as being alpha moon makes her a very powerful wolf and witch once she learns to control and use her powers.

The prophecy mentions that Elizabeth Gavin and Alex will help Louise. Elizabeth with teach her how to use and control her magic, Alex will help her determine her limit and how to break past the limit without harm and Gavin acts like an anchor stopping her from doing anything dangerous as well as protecting her and helping her rule the pack.

Abigail Thornway
Abigail was mates to alpha Charles of the Taurus pack which is roughly where about London compared to the Aquarius pack which takes up most of Northern Ireland.

Abigail was unlike other witches. Where most witches were drawn to different events like eclipses, northern lights and for some the water or sun, Abigail was drawn to the moon and on occasions made contact with Luna (moon goddess).

Abigail also was fascinated by the wolves and the alphas and all that so she travelled around different packs to learn more about their kind. This is when Luna decided that Abigail and Charles would be mates so Abigail could be apart of their kind. However in doing the mating ritual of the Taurus pack she got banished from her coven and that only a powerful descendant would be welcome.

Because of the Victorian coven being so against Abigail and Charles, the present then with cursed rings (the curse was shared so removing the curse on one removed it for both). They had hoped that they would drive the two mates apart but Abigail was smart and protected themselves and their unborn pup from the curse.

These were the same rings Louise and Gavin wore. Louise and her mum were both unfortunate enough to not only be affected by the curse but not know about it.

Why I decided to call the moon goddess Luna.
I decided to actually give her a name because Gods and goddesses like the Roman or Greek or Norse gods usually have a name filled by what they are the god of. For example Ares the god of war, Aphrodite the goddess of love.

I decided on Luna because of the lunar eclipse. Lunar comes from the latin word Luna meaning moon. The Roman goddess of the moon is called Luna (Selene in Greek mythology). There are lunar eclipses, a lunar calendar, lunar tides, and lunar orbits.
(https://www.vocabulary.com/dictionary/lunar source used). So in my book the moon goddess is actually Luna the goddess of the moon.

If you have any questions about my book please ask them either here or through the book and I will answer them in chapters like these. I wasn't asked anything about these I just wanted to add them as a bit more information.

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