Chapter 5

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"This is your new Luna moon gamma Gavin" I gestures towards Gavin with my free hand as I was holding Gavin's hand. My pack cheered proudly and joyfully and we raised our touching hands.

It is customary for the alpha to kiss their mate when declaring their engagement. I turned to face Gavin, our faces cm apart, we stared into each other's eyes. I closed my eyes and closed the gap between us, having to stand on my toes for the kiss. After a few seconds Gavin picked me up so our faces were at an equal level.

We shared a passionate kiss, full of love. After a while we stopped and tested our foreheads against each other and he put me down. I then wrapped my arms around him and faced my pack.

This was a ritual that newly discovered alphas and mates do to show their pack how we are no different from other wolves but it also shows weakness and vulnerability which is important because we show how we make our weakness into our strength. It also shows that we are true mates.

"Now, we howl", another part of the part of the ritual. Gavin and I howl at the same time to show us being one with each other, then the pack joins in to symbolise our unity.

We begin to walk down the stair case to greet the pack and for them to congratulate us. When suddenly, pain radiated through my body but no sights of external injury.

My heart rate increase, the colour drained from my body and the room began to spin. The pain grew worse. And worse. And worse. Until finally I passed out and collapsed in a heap on the floor at the bottom of the stairs. I heard people shouting my name, people being told to leave but I heard Gavin cry and I felt him push hair off my face and stroke my cheek.

I could hear and feel everything that was happening around me but I couldn't do anything.

Someone picked me up and ran across the room before I heard the pack house doors being thrown open. I felt the cold wind and rain against my skin.

After a few minutes we stopped and I was placed on an uncomfortable bed. I was in the pack hospital. I know this because I heard Gavin and Dr Alex (my cousin) conversing.

I couldn't make out anything and eventually I was completely unaware of what was going on.

Gavin POV

We stepped out from Louise's living space and saw the entire pack or near enough. Hudson. That beta can't keep his mouth or mind link shut.

"This is your new Luna moon gamma Gavin" She gestured towards me with her free hand as she was holding my hand. The pack cheered proudly and joyfully and we raised our touching hands.

Suddenly she turned to face me, our faces cm apart, we stared into each other's eyes. I closed my eyes and as she closed the gap between us, she had to stand on her toes for the kiss. After a few seconds I picked her up so our faces were at an equal level.

We shared a passionate kiss, full of love. After a while we stopped and tested our foreheads against each other and he put me down. She then wrapped my arms around me and she faced the pack.

This was a ritual that is done to show the pack how alpha mates are no different from other wolves but it also shows weakness and vulnerability which is important because we show how we make our weakness into our strength. It also shows that we are true mates.

"Now, we howl", another part of the part of the ritual. We howled at the same time to show us being one with each other, then the pack joins in to symbolise our unity.

We begin to walk down the stair case to greet the pack and for them to congratulate us. After we walked down the stairs Louise suddenly collapsed.

I heard people shouting and being told to leave. All I did was sit and cry beside my beautiful. Her hair fell in front of her face when she collapsed so I pushed the hair back.

Through the mind link I heard Dr Alex (we call her by her first name as she prefers it) say Get Louise down here NOW! I picked up Louise bridal style and started to run out of the house. Someone opened the door for me and I ran until I reached the pack doctor.

I entered the building and found Alex standing at a free bed and put Louise down. "I don't know what happened we did the mate announcing ritual thingy and walked down the stairs when suddenly she passed out I just don'..." she interrupted me before I could say anything else.

"I have reason to believe that this is the work of the rogues she was so kind to let in." I gave a puzzled look, "But they needed help because of hunters."

She shook her head. "There have been no hunter attacks in years and anyways rogues have never previously asked packs for help. I am to believe that they have a witch helping them"

I looked over to my unconscious mate "I'm going to kill every single last rogue that is in our pack." I was furious, I turned to leave when I felt a hand on my arm, I looked round and saw Alex looking so worried. "Don't do this Gavin, she wouldn't want it." She pointed to Louise and I knew was right.

"I have to tell Hudson" I turned away and spoke with no emotion. As soon as I felt her hand let go of my arm, I marched out of the hospital. Hudson, meet me at my living quarters, I closed my link and quickly made my way there.

"What's wrong? What happened to her? Gavin!" I walked straight past Hudson ignoring his questions. "What!" I shouted angrily, "This is the fault of those damn rogues. She should have never trusted them. Now she's in a coma and who knows when she awakes. F***!"

I was furious and Hudson had no clue as to what to do. "Gav you need to calm down. You can't help her when your like this and I'm not going to help you until you calm down, now I'll be back in 10 minutes and if you haven't calmed down I will bring the strongest anaesthetic to know you out, ok?"

I was shocked to say the least but also incredibly pissed. "Ok then leave." I coldly spat and he did. As soon as he left my living area, I sat on the sofa in as much darkness as I could and cried.

"Men don't cry. Well, MEN DO CRY!" I yelled, I have all I have been told all my life is that men don't cry and I have believed all my life until now. I cried until Hudson came back and tapped me on the shoulder and I almost punched him in the face.

"Don't do that Hudson" I wiped away stray tears that fell down my face. "Have you calmed down? Have you been crying?" He questioned. "Yes" I responded roughly.

He walked around the room and brought light back. I hissed at him for doing so and he laughed. I noticed that he had brought a needle with him. "Really bro?! You brought anaesthetic?" He smiled with a small laugh. "Yeah didn't know what you would be like when I came back up, soz." I punched him in the arm causing him to drop the needle, then I picked it up and left to dispose of it.

I heard people yelling "ROGUE ATTACK! ROGUE ATTACK!" I quickly ran to the armoury, Hudson, rogue attack. Alex was right they're behind Louise's coma state. Get to the armoury as fast as you can. Soon I heard Hudson running along side me.

Gavin - Sebastian Stan
Hudson - Chris Pine
Louise - Selena Gomez
Alex - Scarlett Johansson

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