Chapter 18

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3rd person's POV of chapter 17
As Louise and the others where thinking about the plan Robbie sat looking through the slightly open door. He watched as they stood in a circle facing each other with only he white of their eyes showing. Eventually he left and went back to his family who were still sitting in the hospital waiting room.

When Louise's plan started and she ran through her mental door everyone in the pack suddenly and very quickly became in a lot of pain. Many people put their hands on their heads and pulled their hair or pushed against their faces due to the intense pain. Others doubled over in pain and fell to the floor. Louise's family and Gavin felt the most intense pain out of everyone in the pack.

Nick was the first of her family to get up and run out of the hospital, everyone else was quick to follow. They split up and searched the pack and pack house. Everyone in the pack was in pain but helped Louise's family look for her. Nick had ran straight to the pack house and desperately looked everywhere trying to find his sister.

When he came across the illusion of his sister and he fell to his knees as soon as he was in the room. He quickly linked the rest of his family and Gavin telling them to come to Louise's room. After a few minutes everyone else arrived in the room and fell to their knees crying. Gavin walked over to the illusion and kneeled down beside it and lifted its right wrist. He sat for a minute holding its wrist, saying nothing. "She's dead" he said with tears filling his eyes. Even though he knew it was fake He still cried tears of grief. Real tears.

Everyone else in the room slowly got up and left the room tear falling like waterfalls in their eyes, unable to control the waterworks. Gavin stayed in the room until he was the only one left. Louise looked out from her hiding spot and her and Elizabeth made the illusion disappear before coming out of the closet.
You know what happens now.
After Gavin left Louise stood with Elizabeth "I didn't want to. It made me!" She pleaded to Elizabeth "it made me do it believe me!" She continued but Elizabeth didn't believe her and began to leave the room, "I'm sorry but I don't. What you did was cruel, if you wanted to or not" she turned and left the room and Louise was alone.

You don't need them the voice in Louise's head told her they will hold you back. Stop you from becoming your true self. Louise wasn't in the mood or mind set to argue back but she continued to try and push the voice out by it wouldn't leave. You may be the alpha but your pack will never respect you it continued to try and make Louise go against her pack but she was stronger than it thought. Eventually the voice gave up and shut up and started planning other ways to turn Louise against her pack.

No one knew about this voice and currently everyone in the pack was mourning the 'loss' of their alpha. A few days later Gavin convinced everyone to let him bury 'her' privately with no one else their but really all he did was dig up some dirt and put back in its place to make it seem as if Louise had been buried there.

Louise stayed in the panic room which no one entered luckily. There she fought the voice and practised her magic and throughout the day she would have Elizabeth visit her and she was the only person currently talking to Louise even though she didn't like what she did.

However Louise didn't stay 'dead' for long.

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I know that chapter was short but otherwise I would be repeating myself from the previous chapter.
Louise - Selena Gomez
Gavin - Sebastian Stan
Hudson - Chris Pine 
Elizabeth - Ariana Greenblatt
Alex - Scarlett Johansson
Damien (dad) -50 Ben affleck
Beth (mum) -50 jennifer Garner
Rebecca -30 Claire holt
Claire -28 Venessa marano
Zack -27 ryker Lynch
Peter -27 Joesph Morgan
Rose -26 Laura marano
Michelle -24 olivia Holt
Nick -22 nick jonas
Emmet -22 Leo Howard
Robbie -22 Ross Lynch

I'm the alphaNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ