Thirty: Leave

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The rumours about [Name] and Oikawa breaking up spread through the school surprisingly fast. Already on the next morning when the girl was walking through the school's hallways, she could feel the other students' eyes being constantly locked on her. Of course, it wasn't comfortable especially for a shy person like her, but this situation was inevitable and the girl was fully aware of this fact. Actually, she was mentally preparing for this to happen ever since she woke up this morning. Following the plan, she passed by the other girls as fast as she could, without even turning her head towards them. She wanted to reach her classroom in peace and survive this day hoping for her classmates to have mercy and leave her alone. However, she wasn't sure if, when reaching the classroom, she wouldn't meet the person she didn't want to meet the most - Oikawa. To be honest, she expected to see the boy waiting for her by her classroom's door just like yesterday, trying to talk everything over. The closer she was getting to the destined place, the more anxious she was getting. When she was about to turn round the corner by her classroom, she stopped walking and took a deep breath. Her next step was quiet and hesitant. At first she was afraid to look up and check if someone was standing at her classroom's door, but eventually she lifted her head.

Her heart clenched in some hurtful feeling.

There was no one. As soon as [Name] noticed this squeeze in her chest, she got even more scared. What was it? Shouldn't she be happy to see that Oikawa gave up? After all, the easier it was for him, the easier it would be for her. Than why did she feel this way?

[Name] cursed in her thoughts. She didn't want to admit it, but she had to.

She probably still held a faint hope of being someone of slightly bigger importance to Oikawa.

As she was making her way to her table, she didn't even notice the inquiring looks her classmates were giving her. She was to deep into her thoughts to pay attention to other people.

She sat down and put her bag on the table right before her. She hid her face behind it, unconsciously creating a barrier from others. She smiled to herself awry.

It was for the best.

When the last bell rang, most of the students rushed towards the school's gates and the classroom quickly emptied. The only person who didn't follow the crowd was [Name]. The girl planned to stay longer after lessons and study at the school's library just like she had been doing before she started hanging out with Oikawa. This was her next step on the way to getting back to how it was before. Slowly, she packed her things up and took a deep breath before leaving the classroom.

It was already dark outside when [Name] peeked at the clock on the library's wall. Realising how much time had passed, she quickly stood up from over the books. From what she remembered the school would be soon closing and it wouldn't be nice to be locked there for the night. She bent over the desk to gather all of her belongings. Next, she kneeled in front of her bag, which was lying on the floor by the desk, to put her things in there. She was already closing the bag when a quiet sound of doors opening nearly made her jump. Scared off by the unexpected intruder, she quickly turned around. She expected this to be one of the teachers who were responsible for closing the school, so she was trying to quickly think of some excuse for her long stay in school.

But when she got a glimpse of who was standing in the library's door, she stiffened and widened her eyes.

Her heart jumped, but she wasn't sure if it was from happiness or uneasiness.


Why from all the people?

Just when she thought he gave up.

Why did it have to be Oikawa?

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