Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

After summoning Philip back, Sam slept in the back of the limo, most of the way to where she knew her friends would be; She had managed to locate them through thier life forces, and the chosen location looked like San Francisco. They reached the city an hour after sunrise; Philip didn't have to worry about speed limits since mortals couldn't see him, and because the limo was nearly invisible to mortals because of the mist. Philip dropped Sam off next to the river where the ferry crossed, and Sam started to look for her friends who she found nearby. " Man, you guys move fast." Sam said and relief crossed thier faces as she approached.

" Is self-sacrifice a thing with you, or something?" Zoe asked and Sam shrugged. " Unlike the rest of you, the dead listen to me, which means I had a better chance of surviving."

" Theres no point in arguing about it, we have to find Nereus." Thalia said. Zoe led them to the nearest good will, and outfitted Percy in the most ridicules outfit Sam had ever seen. They went to the dock next and Zoe pointed Percy toward the end of the pier where a bunch of homeless guys were waiting for the soup kitchen to open. As they watched, Percy found him, and then fell off the dock with him. " Well, we found him." Sam said when they saw Percy resurface on the back of a killer whale, and Thalia let out a sigh as they watched the struggle between Percy and the old sea god ensue.

When they finally climbed back on land, the old god was heaving in exhaustion while Percy looked extremely smug. Percy questioned him about the monster that Artemis had been hunting, and he pointed toward the water near Percy's feet before disappearing back in the water. They looked toward the water as some sort of creature appeared; the top half was a cow while the bottom was a serpent.

Zoe told them the story of how if this creature, the Orphiotaurus, were sacrificed, it would destroy the world. Percy didn't seem to believe it at first, and Sam wasn't going to say anything that might possibly make this worse. " The power to destroy the gods, that's huge." Thalia said.

" Yes, it is, my dear." A voice said behind them and Sam spun around to find Dr. Thorn standing a few feet away, with several mortal security guards. Thorn tried to convince Thalia to kill the cow serpent, but she hesitated in deciding anything, no matter how much Percy tried to tell her it was wrong, and that her dad did care. Zoe aimed an arrow, but while mortals were distracted by her, Grover pulled out his reed pipes and charmed the planks of the dock to grow new branches, which wrapped around them. Zoe released her arrow, and a cloud of thick, green gas was released on impact; a fart arrow. Thorn fired spines at them, and Sam swung her sword, deflecting them as Percy told Grover to tell the cow serpent to stay down in the water.

They fled down the docks while Thorn and his goons were distracted, and darted behind a stand that was littered with wind chimes. Zoe told Percy to get the serpent to safety, but he refused to abandon them. Percy used his sword to cut open a water fountain so that he could get an iris message to camp, but the only one available to answer was Mr. D. The manticore appeared as Mr.D began to mock them through the iris message, and Thorn laughed at the fact that there wasn't anyone nearby to help them. Sam heard Percy plead with Mr. D and the manticore prepared to attack them. " Spare the daughter of Zeus, she will join us soon enough, and the daughter of Hades shall be a wonderful bargaining chip."

" Sul mio cadaver/ Over my dead body." Sam snapped tightening her grip on the sword in her hand. " Now, now dear, no need for that." He tsked and Sam's eyes narrowed. The mortals began to act funny, while large grape vines began to wrap around the manticore, strangling and crushing him to death. Behind them, Mr. D closed the fridge, and they stared at him in shock. 

" Wow." Sam said in amazement.

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