Chapter 65

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Chapter 65

As Sam was shaken awake, she opened her eyes to find Philip standing over. She blinked several times at him before she finally realized who was standing there, and tackled him in a hug. " Dont you ever try to replace yourself again." Sam said and he looked down in shame.

" I'm sorry, Sam. I just thought you wouldn't want me around after I got you caught aboard that ship. After I nearly got you killed."

Sam let out a sigh before grabbing him by the back of his armor and dragging him toward the elevator where they would have more privacy to talk. " You didn't get me caught, Philip." Sam said. " Kronos knew from the beginning because he had his own spy. We just dont know who yet."

The elevator doors opened in front of them and they were met with Percy, Thalia, and Grover. The three of them glanced from Philip to Sam several times before Philip said. " I was just leaving."

He disappeared where he stood and Percy raised an eyebrow." He just wanted to apologize for something." Sam said before she noticed the giant jar that Percy was carrying. " Is that..." Sam trailed and Percy nodded. " Pandora's pithos." He told her and Sam let out a sigh before moving out of the way so that they could get in the elevator. " I'm gonna take a look outside." Sam told them before the doors closed, leaving her alone in the lobby.

The streets were quiet, though there was no telling how much longer the silence would last. Sam sat down on the top step and pulled her knees up to her chin. Her mind raced with thousands of questions she had no answers for. Would she survive this war? Would her friends? Would Kronos win, or lose? Would Olympus fall?

" Stop thinking like this, Sam." She told herself with a sigh, before she reached up to twist her locket.

" Your doing it again." A voice whispered from the back of her mind and she smiled at the memory.

Sam sat on the dock with Luke, her fingers twisting at her locket nervously. " Your doing it again." He teased and her face burned red. It had been a week since Sam's birthday, and Sam still wasn't sure how to act since that morning on the beach. She knew he loved her, and she loved him, but there were so many things that were wrong, or could go wrong with thier relationship.

They were years apart in age, and there was no telling what could happen; one of them could die tomorrow for all they knew. " I... I'm just worried tha-"

He cut her off by kissing her cheek, and her face burned brighter. " That what, that something could go wrong?" He asked. " We're demigods, Sam, nothing ever goes right."

" Why are you so calm about this? With how bad my family is with love-"

" Sam, nothing is going to go wrong. I love you, and you love me, that's all that matters."

" I'm scared." Sam whispered and he pulled her toward him so that her head was on his chest, directly over his heart. " While I'm here, you will never have to be afraid again." He told her and she pressed herself closer to him.

Sam let out a sigh as she was pulled from the memory before she turned as several campers came out of the building. It was time for round 2.


Sam had just taken down a giant, when she spotted Percy advancing on a large man in the center of the lake; he wasn't sinking though, he was walking on the water. A sight that would have earned a comment from Sam, had she not found herself up against a dracaena. When Sam looked back, Percy was standing in the center of his own funnel of water and was working on herding the man toward Grover and a bunch of other satyrs.

As the man was incased into the bark of a maple tree, a loud shriek filled the air and a large pink creature swopped down from above. It would have crushed Ariel, had a young girl with a bright blue green hair, not pushed her out of the way. The two of them were sent rolling and when Ariel turned to thank her, her blue eyes widened in shock and her face burned. The girl who had saved her, had been a hunter of Artemis; the same one she had been staring at the day before.

As the sow circled around for another target, Percy suddenly got the bright idea to try and get on it's back using a grappling hook. Once the sow had flown off with Percy hanging on for dear life, Sam began to shadow travel randomly around the city and help where she could.

The night was blur for everyone, and at one point, Sam found herself fighting back to back with Ariel and Jacy. Jacy's whip would fly around them, snatch up an unsuspecting monster and either slam it into a group of it's allies, or directly into the path of the blade of a sword.

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