Chapter 50

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(Nathan Wagner - Hope)

All credit goes to the creator

Chapter 50

Having been trained since she was 6 years old, summoning the dead had become second nature, but for Nico it was still new, so Sam did most of the summoning. When the second wave came, Sam let out a whistle and howls filled the trees around the clearing, before dozens of hellhounds with spiked collars ran from the trees. There were so many that a giant was knocked to the ground under the force plowing into it, and it exploded into dust as it was torn apart.

Sam was separated from Nico at one point, but she soon saw him collapse as he summoned a bunch of undead warriors to fight a group of dracaena that had tried to go for the cabins. She ran to help him, stabbing and slashing at any monster that got in her way, but the thing caused her to come to direct halt was a large wall of water. " Percy." Sam screamed seconds before she found herself knocked off her feet. When the water passed, Sam spit out a bunch of the river water and sent a glare toward the son of Poseidon at the tree line, before running over to Nico who was steaming with smoke.

A loud screech filled the air and Sam looked over as the army ran back for the maze in fear of the noise, she looked back to her brother was panting. " It's going to be okay." She told him as Tyson spotted them and before called out to his own brother for help. Once Nico was conscious and sitting up, Daedalus, who had come to help them fight, came over to them. " Deadalus?"

" Yes, my boy. I made a very bad mistake, I came to correct it."

Tyson cried out in joy as Deadalus explained that he and Briares had both decided to come help, and had found each other in the maze. " But Daedalus, the titan army is still down there, even without the string, they'll be back. They'll find a way sooner, or later with Kronos leading them." Percy said.

" You are right. As long as the labyrinth is here, your enemies can use it. Which is why the labyrinth, can not continue. "

" But you said the labyrinth is tied to your life force. As long as your alive..."

" Yes, my young architect. " He agreed. " When I die, the labyrinth will die as well, and so I have a present for you." From a satchel, he produced a silver laptop with the blue symbol of Daedalus inscribed across the top. " My work is here. It's all I managed to save from the fire. Notes on projects I never started, some of my favorite designs. I couldn't develop these over the years, I did not dare reveal my work to the mortal world, but perhaps you will find it interesting." He told Annabeth before handing it to her, and she stared at it in disbelief.

" Your giving me this? But this is priceless. This is worth, I dont even know how much."

" Small compensation for the way I have acted. You were right, Annabeth, about Children of the Athena. We should be wise, and I was not. Someday, you will be a greater architect then I ever was. Take my ideas, and improve them, it is the least I can do before I pass on."

" Wow, pass on? You can't just kill yourself, thats wrong." Percy said but Daedalus shook his head. " Not as wrong as hiding from my crimes for two thousand years. Genius does not excuse evil, Percy. My time has come. I must face my punishment."

" He wont get a fair trial." Annabeth said. " The spirit of Minus sits in judgement."

" I will take what comes. I must trust in the justice of the underworld, such as it is. That is all we can do, isn't it?" He said looking straight at Nico and his face darkened. " Yes."

" Will you take my soul for ransom then? You can use it to reclaim your sister."

" No. " Nico said. " I will help you release your spirit, but Bianca has passed, she must stay where she is."

" Well done, son of Hades. You are becoming wise." He told him before turning to Percy. He asked Percy to look after Mrs. O'Leary, before allowing Nico to take his soul, and crumbling to dust.

Happy New Year!

I thought I'd hand out an update for the start of the new year. 

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