Chapter 70

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Home - Gabrielle Aplin

(Important note at the bottom)

Chapter 70

Sam stood outside the Empire State building, Philip stood next to her, neither said a word. Sam was messing with her locket as she often did when she had something on her mind. Sam let out a sigh, and started down the stairs, Philip following behind her. As she passed through the shadows that were being cast from the remaining lion statues, the world around her shifted and she found herself standing under the tree on Half-blood Hill. Sam made her way toward the Large house at the bottom of the hill, and Percy turned to look at her as she approached. He was sitting on the ground a few feet from where Rachel Elizabeth Dare stood, her eyes were staring passed him, as if she were in trance.

Green light and smoke poured from the house, and the Oracle of Delphi appeared on the porch. Rachel Elizabeth Dare held out her arms as if she were about to pull the oracle into a hug, and above them Apollo appeared. " Rachel Elizabeth Dare, you have the gift of prophecy, but it is also a curse, are you sure you want this?" He asked and she nodded.

" It's my destiny."

" Do you accept the risks?"

" I do."

" Then proceed."

" I accept this role. I pledge myself to Apollo, god of oracles. I open my eyes to the future, and embrace the past. I accept the spirit of Delphi, voice of the gods, speaker of riddles, seer of fate." The smoke curled around Rachel like a snake and the mummified oracle crumbled to dust as she was completely covered. When it cleared, Rachel crumbled to the ground, and Percy, Nico, and Annabeth rushed forward to help, but Apollo stopped them. " Stop, this is the most delicate part."

" What do you mean? What's going on?" Percy demanded

" Either the spirit takes hold, or it doesn't."

" And if it doesn't?" Annabeth asked.

" Five syllables. That. Would. Be. Real. Bad." Apollo said counting on his fingers but Percy ran over to her anyway. " Percy." Rachel said as her eyes opened.

" Are you okay?" Percy asked as she tried to sit up and Rachel winced, pressing her hands to the sides of her head. " Rachel, your life aura almost faded completely. I could see you dying." Nico told her.

" I'm alright. Please, help me up, the visions are a little disorienting."

" Are you sure your okay?"

" Ladies and Gentleman, may I introduce, the new Oracle of Delphi." Apollo said as he landed on the porch. " Your kidding." Annabeth said.

" It's a little surprising for me to, but it's my fate, I saw it in New York. I know why I was born with true sight, I was meant to become the Oracle."

" You mean, you can tell the future now?" Percy asked

" Not all the time, but there are visions, images, words in my mind. When someone asks me a question, I- oh no."

" It's starting." Apollo told them before Rachel stumbled like she had been hit, only to stiffen as her eyes began to glow green and she spoke with the voice of the Oracle:

8 half-bloods shall answer the call

To storm or fire, the world must fall

An oath to keep with a final breath

And foes bear arms to the doors of death

Rachel would have hit the ground had Nico and Percy not been standing so close. " I'm alright." Rachel said as they helped her to the porch. " What was that?" Percy asked.

" What was what?" Rachel asked, confused.

" I believe, that we just heard the next great Prophecy." Apollo said.

" What does it mean?" Percy demanded and Rachel frowned. " I don't even remember what I said."

" Don't worry I got it." Sam said, scribbling don the last few words, being the person who always had a notepad in her pocket

" No, the spirit will only speak through you, occasionally. The rest of the time, our Rachel will be as she has always been. There's no point in grilling her, even if she has just issued the next big prediction of the world."

" But-"

" Percy, I wouldn't worry to much. The last great Prophecy about you, took almost 70 years to complete, this one might not even happen in your lifetime."

After everything was settled with Rachel and Apollo took a look at Chiron, who had been severally injured. Sam led Rachel and Apollo upstairs to the room she had occupied for several years. " You can go ahead and settle in here, I have to start moving things out anyway." Sam told Rachel.

" I don't think I've ever been in here." Apollo admitted looking around the room curiously, and Sam gave him a look before she removed her armor and weapons, and tossed them into the closet to clean later. Sam checked her jacket for holes and when she didn't find one, she hung it on the chair. Sam opened the footlocker at the foot of her bed and Rachel peered over to see what she was doing, only to duck as she was nearly hit in the head by a random book as Sam began to stuff everything she owned into the box, which from the look of the room wasn't much.

" You don't have to give up your-"

" The only reason I'm up here is because there was never a cabin for children of Hades, and I didn't really do well in the Hermes Cabin, especially after the zombie incident..." Sam said making a face before she walked over to the closet, and dragging out a very large case.

" Is that what I think it is?" Apollo said as Sam lugged the giant case onto the bed, only to smack his hand when he reached for it. " Yes, it is, and I would like it to stay in the case for the moment, please." Sam told him and he raised his hands innocently as Sam turned to grab a clean jacket from the closest.

" Alright, I'm leaving." Sam sighed dragging the heavy case off the bed and pulling it toward the door. " You can have the bed, Rachel, I'll sleep on the floor for now." Sam called out from the hallway, leaving Rachel with no room to argue as she closed the door behind her.

When Sam stepped out into the porch, Philip was waiting for her, and stepped forward to help lift the heavy case over the door frame where it had gotten stuck. " Are you sure this is what you want?" he asked and she nodded. " I promised him that I would make things right, and I don't see a better way then this."

" But....are you sure your ready? You shouldn't go alone at least." Philip told her as they leaned the case against the side of the house. Sam didn't have an answer for him, but she knew he was right. She couldn't go alone.

Ethan and Selena were laid to rest that night, both treated with the same respect as the rest of the fallen; the words traitor and spy went unsaid and unheard. Other then watching Grover get tackled by his girlfriend, dinner at the pavilion was uneventful. Sam was about to sneak off to the woods, when she saw everyone gathered around Percy and Annabeth, who sat on the docks. She rolled her eyes at the crowd as they carried them off to the lake to get dunked. She let out a laugh at the sight before she turned and disappeared into the tree, whistling out a tune as she went.

Tomorrow, she would set things right.

So, next chapter will be the last update before this book goes on hiatus for a little bit while I sort out the next section of the story.

Currently I have written up until chapter 91, meaning by the time I'm  finished it will be over 100 chapters. At the moment I Am Sam is turning into my longest published book, twice as long as Infinite which sits at 56 chapters.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask by commenting, messaging me, or checking me out on Discord. I have a server going there as well if you want to know when and what I'm updating next, along with sneak peek looks at anything I might add. (book covers and Collages because I make all my own stuff :D)

Until next time


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