About the Author and Preface

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From a very early age I always knew I wanted to write and so I began with writing poetry as a teen. I was born in the year of 1975 in the heart of Ipswich Suffolk in England but I now am settled in Bungay after living in other parts of Suffolk.

  I was raised in a close knit family of my Father, Mother, and my one and only younger Sister; I was very lucky to have such a loving family.

I enjoy Penpalling, Social media sites, watching films, listening to music, swimming, driving and reading. I have gained my National vocational qualification in becoming qualified in Levels 2 and 3 retail management and I have a city in guilds in hairdressing.

I found writing poetry very therapeutic in relaying my inner thoughts and ideas as it helped clear my mind, I would write when I felt depressed and when I felt happy, it was a mixture of emotions. I wrote poetry for friends and family and for several different occasions, words came freely and within minutes I had formed a poem. I still enjoy writing poetry today.

I began forming a anthology of my poetry and started filing them together;

It wasn't until my late thirties at the age of 38 and after I was married with a child I developed a passion for writing stories.

This is my first book I have written and I wanted to portray something I have experienced myself in being a plus size woman, I have always had a weight problem through out my life and have been on a roller coaster of many ups and downs because of having a few extra pounds.

The main character in this story you are reading today is Klohie who is a 29 years old gorgeous curvaceous hairdresser that lacks confidence after years of being bullied, then one day she has enough and turns things around in facing her demons. There is one thing she promises herself and thats never to look back, after many failed relationships Klohie is looking for the man of her dreams who will love her for the person she is and not for the person they think she should be.

Follow Klohie on her amazing journey as she embarks on the many challenges as a larger lady, will she find the love she is looking for?

Can you predict how it will end?

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