We are one

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(Mary's POV)

RINGGGGG!!! My alarm clock went off. I was growning because I'm not that much of a early person. Especially when it's a Monday. I woke up and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I came back to my room to see what to wear and I was feeling fancy. So I put on a dress with patterns, golden earrings, black sandals, golden choker necklace, and a golden braclet, with a white hat with back outer layer and finally my sunglasses.

I went downstairs and grabbed something quick out of the fridge and ate it. So my bus came

and I sat next to my best friend Danielle. She any best friend because we laugh together and we think the same.

So we got to school and I saw there were two new guys. One with a bandana on his head and the other had a lot of hair. Which was kinda messy. I walked to class which was math and had homeroom and the guy with the bandana sat next to me. He was cute.

So In class we had to introduce ourselves to who sits next to us. " hey I'm marry" I said " hey I'm Taylor" he said. " I like your bandana" " thanks" he replied. "I like your uhhhh uhhhh dress yea that's nice." he said confusingly. I felt kindve hurt.

(Taylor's POV)

She's so pretty. She said she liked my bandana and I hesetated and when I said I like your Uhhhhh dress! I sound so stupid. I wonder if she likes me. "Sorry about that I mean like I'm sorry can we start over" I said. Then she said "we just met" she's so sassy.

I wanted to talk to her after class but she went to gym and I went science. I hope she has English next. Anyways is saw Cameron and he said he is going to gym and I told him "there is this girl that is wearing a dress and is named Mary, don't hit on her she is mine I called her.

(Cameron's POV)

Taylor said something about not hitting on a girl in a dress but if she is Hott then sorry Taylor. I walked into gym and I saw the girl in a dress who went to the girls locker room. She came back with shorts and a t-shirt. She is Hott. I saw her look at me but I turned away. I didn't want her to think I was like staring at her. So then a coupes minutes later I walk up to her and say "hey I'm Cameron" I said nervously cam u got this. "Hey I'm marry" she said. Hey voice doe was music to my ears. Like Shawn's song about me.

Anyways I said "I love that name like I love your face" CRAP I SAID THAT OUT LOUD THAT WAS MENT FOR MY HEAD UGHHHH. " Thank you your not bad yourself" I looked up and she actually likes me. Wait but Taylor called dibs. TAYLORRRRR I HATEEE YOUUUU! Ok forget Taylor I'm makin my move. Before I could the gym teacher came. " Hello I am mister walts I'm your gym teacher" today we are going to do some day warm ups and play volleyball" I love volleyball. I hope I'm on the same team as Mary I'll show her.

(Marys POV)

He said he liked my face! He's such a bad flirter. Although he is kinda cute. So we were gonna do push-ups, sit ups, mouton climbers, and REACH DOWN AND TOUCH YOUR TOES. I believe that's what it's called. So he said " AFTER THIS SONG YOU BETTER BE DONE" man he screams loud. I love gym class. I'm a girly girl but also and tom boy. So we went to play vollyball and sadly I wasn't on Cameron's team.

So I was server and I through the ball and some guy therw it back to me and I hit it and went to Cameron and Cameron hit it and it hit me on the face! i fell back on my back. "OW MY FACE WHAT THE HECK" then suddenly I saw nothing completely black.

Next thing you know I'm in my room and my dad is sitting on my bed with me. "Dad wha what happend" I said mouningly. " You were uhh playing volleyball at school and got hit in the face and got uncounnsious" he said sadly. " WHA WHAT WHY DIDNT YOU TAKE ME TO THE HOSPITAL!!" I was screaming my head off and I'm a dramatic person I can't help it. "Honey, you didn't have to go to the hospital, your fine" he said "IM FINE IM FINE I GOT UNCOUNSICOUS!" How's this fine.

" What time is it anyway dad?" "2:30" he replied. WHAT OMG I MISSED ALOT AT SCHOOL! IM GONNA HAVE DOUBLE THE WORK THANKS TO CAMERON! wow I guy likes your face then try's to destroy it.

(Taylor's POV)

I can't find Mary anywhere where the heck did she go? " H hey c cam h have y you seen m Mary?" I asked him that like I was so scared. Cameron said " uhhhh hehe funny story actually" " cam, what's going on!" " we were playing vollyball and accidently hit her in the face by accident" he said that really fast.

" Cam talk slower" he said " Weeeeee wereeeeeeee playinggggg" ughhhh he is soo annoying! "CAM IN A NORMAL WAY OF TALKING IDIOT" " fine, we were playing vollyball and accidently hit her in the face with the ball and she fell and got unconscious.

I had it with him. "YOU WHAT!" I yelled so loud everyone looked at me. " I have to go to English, I am not done with you I will call you when I get home" I whispered. What I wanted to look normal.

(Cameron's POV)

I felt so bad I wish I can see her and say sorry but she probably will never talk to me again. What if I have her a black eye or a broken nose. That's gonna mess her face up! first I say it pretty and now I destroyed it! Also boy is Taylor mad! What is he gonna do to me!

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