Chapter 28

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A/N read last authors note plzzzz

(Next day)

(Marys POV)

"Mary wake up Mary MARY!" Taylor yelled. "WHAT" i yelled back. "its 3 am we have to get to the airport now" he said "ughhhh fine" i said. 


"hey Mary you look high."Matthew said "thanks" i said. He laughed and walked away. "Hey babe" Taylor said. "hey" i said. "ok your sitting next to Hayes" he said. "yay thats mah boi" i said. "haha funny" he said. "gate 9 is now airing for San Francisco" the gate person said. We all got up and me and Hayes got on next to eachother. "soooo Mary how you feelin?" he asked. "oh sense its 3 am im great yea perfect im ready to go party." i said in my sarcastic voice. He laughed. "if you want you can sleept on my shoulder." he said when he saw me uncomfortable trying to sleep. 

"thanks" i said. He put his arm around me and i snuggled up to him and my eyes got heavier and heavier untill i fell asleep. 

(2 hrs later) 

"Hayes are we their yet?" i asked "no one more hour" he said "how are you not sleepy?" i asked "i slept but woke up an hour ago because Taylor kept throwing stuff at me." he said. "why?" i asked. "vine" he said. Ughhhh Taylor is so stupid. 

(At hotel) 

"FINALLYYYYYYY" i said. "ok so Mahagony Mary and Hayes share a room and-" Matthew said but Hayes cut him off and said "woah woah back the truck up nah uh im not sharing a room with 2 girls" he said and we all laughed. "haha sorry buddy" Cameron said  "Hey Mahagony i love your style an i have really bad style can you please help me out for the show tomorrow?" i asked Mahagony. "Sure!" she said. 

"Ok guys lets split upp and get redy for the show thats in 2 hours so lets get an hour of sleep people" Nash yelled and we all walked our seperate ways to our rooms.  "im going to sleep." Hayes said And he took his shirt off and jumped in bed. Dont get me wrong he has nice abbs but im dating Taylor. 

"Whos sleeping where?" Mahagony asked "theres only 2 beds so ill sleep on the floor" i said. "good choice because i kick in my sleep." Mahagony said and i laughed. "Mary you can sleep here." Hayes said. "uhh sure i guess" And i hopped in bed and we were facing seperate ways. Me and Hayes love eachother only in a bro and sis way so yea. 

I got a text from Taylor!

T-hey Mary me and you date tomorrow at 8 

M-k see ya cant wait 

After i decided to go on twitter and #getwellaaron was trending worlwide on twitter. I decided to tweet @MaryJones hey guys just arrived in San Fran cant wait to see you guys in 2 hrs!  then i pressed tweet. I went on home and i saw Hayes tweet and it was me sleeping! I tweeted back and said @MaryJones ill get u back greir then i got up and Hayes was sleeping and i snapped it and then twetted and tagged him. 

I got back in then Hayes put his arm around me and pulled me close but he was sleeping. Uh whatever then i fell asleep. 

(An hour later) 

"Guys get up cmon we have to get ready!" Mahagony said. Me and Hayes jumped up and i used the bathroom then asked Mahagony what to wear. "here wear this" she said I put it on and it was a whote long sleeved shirt, a wool bage scarf, bright blue skinny jeans with a belt becuse i tucked my shirt in, a wool sweater thats bage, a cute purse, braclets and uggs. 

"Mary you pick out my oufit and we will post an instagram pic" she said. "ok" i said she now is wearing a white short shirt with a big black heart, black skinny jeans, black boots, and a tanish cool looking jacket. "alright HAYES TAKE ARE PICTURE!" Me and Mahagony screamed. He came and snapped it. "WAIT IM NOT WEARING MAKEUP!" me and Mahagony both said and me and her laughed and Hayes rolled his eyes. We both came back with are makeup and Hayes just kept starring at me and it was just weird.

(at magcon)

"HOWS EVERYONE DOIN TODAY!!!!!" Bart said in the mic. "INTRODUCING MAHAGONY LOX!" and Mahagony came out walking and waving and running to peoples hand. "NEXT HAYES GRIER!" and he did the same and so did everyone else. "introducing are newest memeber MARY JONES" he said and i came running out doing the same thing. "hey guys im the newest member as you know and i love you all" i said and everyone was screaming. 

"okay tweet what we should do first on the hashtag magconsanfran" Jacob said. "Okay so @HayesBae said we should do a Q/A" Matthew said and Hayes was blushing like crazy. "ok guys so who wants to ask the first question?" Mahagony asked and all the girls were screaming meeeeeeeeee! "okay uhh you in the panda shirt and shorts" i said. "is hary real?"she said. "what me and Hayes said. "Mahagony tweeted a pic of you guys sleeping together and everyone laughed. "no Mary i just like my sis." Hayes said and i jsut nodded

"okay next question in the girl in the white shirt and pink scarf" i said. "is it true Taylor cheated on Mary with Madison?" she said showing us a pic of Madison and Taylor kissing. i just stood their tears in my eyes and ran off stage. 

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