chapter 16

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(Marys POV)

It was the one and only. Sharon. "Sh Sharon what are you doing her?" What on earth is she here for? "listen Mary you stay away from taylor or i will make your life a living hell like i did in middle school!" she snapped. "and why would i do that?" i said. im not really that confident when it comes to Sharon but im not afraid of her anymore. "because i was dating taylor in the middle school but now he broke up with me so iam going to get him back but i need your ugly self to get away from him!'' she said. "oh Shanon maybe he broke up with you because he found out how stupid and annoying you are." i said

"Wow Mary you seem very confident sense you said that,but im giving you one chance step off!" she screamed. "Shanon i dont think you understand that even if i step off he wont come to you because he loves me and i do too and if i see him you wouldnt be able to kill my mom because you cant and by cant i mean that" i said. And when she turned around she saw two cops and they handcuffed her. Wow i think mom called the cops. "alright so what happend mrs mary?" the cop asked. "she broke into my house and threatned to kill my mother." i said. "ok we will see you in court on thursday so in 4 days at 6 pm." he said.

With that the cops left my house with Shanon. I hate the idiot. She is the girl who made my life a living hell in middle school. She bullied me. She would throw my books on the floor she would spread rumors about me and she would cyberbully me. She did that for three years straight. I know im an idiot for not telling an adult but how was i supposed to do that, it was just so complicated at the time, but now im confident so i have nothing to worry about. My mom came through the door hugging me. "what in the world happend!" she said. So then i explained everything that happend through middle school and what happend at home and about court. "wow Mary when she bullied you why wouldnt you tell me you had three years but now that your in highschool you tell me now!?!?!?!" she said "yea mom it was too complicated at the time. and i have a date with taylor so im getting ready we are going miniture golfing and he is picking me up at 7 and its 6:30."

"ok Mary but tomorrow for dinner me and you and your father will go out for dinner." i screamed k as i was running up the stairs.Hmmmmm what should i wear? Oh i know when i went to the mall i got new stuff so i will wear that. i put on a blue shirt with two pockets on each side a collar, a cute gray purse,black skinny jeans,epenssive earings i got on my birthday with alot of braclets and blue shoes.Then i take my long blond hair and make it into a braid bun, then i put my contacts on my beachy blue eyes. Then i hear a horn beep as if a car horn and a text from Taylor saying he is outside. I come outside and he is wearing jeans a t shirt. "hey taylor!" "hey Mary you ready?!?!" "yea lets go! and Taylor i have to tell you something important which is bad news!" "really what happend mary we have time because this place is 30 mins away but what happend?!. a tear stramed down my face and i began.  

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