Chapter 2

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(Danielle's POV)

After school I went to Starbucks and got a vanilla bean frappe with whipped cream and double chocolate chip frap. The vanilla one is for me and the chocolate is for Mary. I'm gonna go see how she's doing. So I got to her house and went to her room and she wasn't there. I don't get it, she's supposed to be here where can she be. Next thing I know I hear someone making sicky sounds. it's near the bathroom.

"BLAGHHHHHH" Mary yelled. "OMG Mary are you ok!" I was so freaking scared. "Yea when someone is puki BLAGHHHHH" her puke cut her off. I ran to get her mom. "Mrs.Benson you have to come in Mary's room!" I exclaimed. "why wh what happend" she said nervously "SHES PUKING BLOOD!

Her mother didn't run. She froze. All I hear is me screaming Mrs.Benson and Mary puking. 5 secounds later she ran up the stairs and was crying. "mrs.Benson are you ok" "yes just we have to take her to the hospital" she said. "ok I'll call 911 and you take care of mary"

I ran down the stairs and grabbed the phone but I tripped and fell. I couldn't get up! I broke my foot! I was crying it hurt so much but I have to get to my phone. I dragged myself to the phone and called 911. " HELLO HI IM AT HILLS RD DOOR 7 MY FRIEND IS PUKING BLOOD AND I BROKE MY FOOT AND SHE GOT UNCONSOUS BEFORE SHE STARTED PUKING! I yelled in the phone and maybe made him deff.

"Ok miss I will send 2 ambulence's for you and your friend,and be there in 5." he acted so calm like what the heck I broke my leg and my friend is about to die. The ambulance came and dragged us to the hospital. I sat alone because Mary's mom sat in the other truck.

When we got in we were in the same room and the hospital dude asked her mom what happend to Mary and she explained and sense Mary's mom didn't know what happend to me I explained. He first looked at Mary and did a check up. he said that " Mary just got hit in the head and got uncounisous but she puked for being very dizzy and dehydrated so she puked a little blood."

SHE PUKED A LITTLE BLOOD ITS LIKE A PINT MAN! But maybe mostly she coughed. The doctor said that she is staying overnight to keep watch. Then he checked my foot out and he said bad news. " I don't know how to say this but you broke your foot and you need surgery" I was shocked

(Mary's POV)

There I was. puking and coughing my life out. and hearing my best friend needs surgery my heart broke. what if something goes wrong. I mean I feel bad how would Danielle feel. And it's all my fault. I was puking and she came to suprise me with my fav Starbucks which I'm drinking right now like nobody leaves their Starbucks, anyways and she ran SO FAST to save me that instead of me getting getting hurt she did.

"When will she get surgery doc" I asked "In an hour if not soon her foot may never work again because all her bones are broken" he said. OMG this is more serious than I thought it would be. I looked over at Danielle and there she was staring at the wall and a tear stroked down her face.

(Taylor's POV)

I came home grabbed a waffle and ran to get my phone from my room.What I don't bring my phone to school it's ok.

I dialed cams number and called him. 2 bells after he picked up. "DUDE WHY YOU HURT MARY!" boy was I mad. "Dude you need to chill" "CAM YOU WANT ME TO CHILL!" I was so upset he wants me to chill out!

"Dude you need to calm your Tatas" "Cam I will break your Tatas if you don't tell my why the heck you hurt Mary!" he is telling me to calm my Tatas, my gosh he is gonna get it. "Taylor listen it was by accident ok it's fine I didn't mean to" I said "ok but you listen hurt her again I'll kill you and if she is extremely hurt man I will also kill you!"

Either way I'm gonna kill him. no way he's getting past that.

(Cam's POV)

Why is he so fricken mad. It was by accident I mean like really he "is gonna kill me when he finds out I flirted with her" " YOU WHAT" OMG I said that out loud I really need to work on my thoughts. "Cam now all I'm gonna do is" "Taylor wish I can talk but gotta go uhhhh I am eating!"

That was close I mean he is straight up gonna kill me. Ughhhh don't worry about me worry about Mary she can be really hurt. wait she did get UNCOUNSICOUS! But I hope she is fine. Hey I'll buy her a teddy bear that says I'm sorry and make my move!

But then Taylor. Ok who cares what's he gonna do beat me up he doesn't even have abbs.

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