Chapter 8

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(Mary's POV)

You won't believe what I saw. I saw Cameron and Taylor getting along! (A/N I know you thought it was something cray😏) I know it's crazy right! "Hey guys I see your getting along!" I said happily. "yea we are!" Taylor says

"So I decided to go on a date with Cameron first because he asked me out first." I said

Wow Taylor turned red hot lava red! "I'll let you too talk." Taylor says and walks away with his hands clutched up in fists. "so Mary I want to go on a date where we can watch the sunset go down." Cameron says. wow he is romantic! "wow Cameron your romantic didn't know you could be like that!" "well see you tonight and by the way I got us out of detention yay!" "how?" " I have my ways" he says.

(Taylor's POV)

Cameron asked her out first! CAMERON! I am so mad I can punch a wall down! I have to know where they are going. I have to be more romantic them him. What am I saying he is probably taking her to the zoo. I have nothing to worry about. I got the looks and charm.

(Cameron's POV)

Well I decided to be extremely romantic. I wanted her more than anything! So I'm going to the mall and buying her a grift and making some food for us! I am a great chef by the way. I can make anything!

I went to the mall after school and thought about what to buy her. So I bought her a necklace for $200. it had a silver heart on it. Dang who knew a swan store cost so much. I went home and cooked us something delicious to eat. I made two fish tacos and 2 light salads. Can't wait this will be magical!

(Mary's POV)

So today after school I went home you know because I said I had detention which I don't anymore so then after an hour I walked to Nina's house which took me ten minutes. If you drive it'll take you two minutes! I walked in and I can't believe who opened the door!

It was Taylor! "Taylor what are you doing here!" I said "uhhh this is my house?" he said the confusingly. Then if this is his house that means... "Hey Mary!" "hey Nina uhh is this your uhh brother?" I felt qweezy. "Yea sorry if He bothered you, he is an expert at it, come let's go in my room." she said.

Wow Taylor's sister is Nina! Thanks pretty shocking! "so Mary you want anything to eat?" "thanks but no thanks I made a sandwhich before I came." I said. "well let's play a game!" she said. wow she's eager! "listen Nina I can only stay here for 2 hours because I have a date." I say. "OMG REALLY WITH WHO!" she yelled.

"Nina not to be rude but I don't know you I only know your name!" I say " w w well that's why I invited you over, so we can you know get to know eachother!" she says "oh sorry about that." I say. wow I'm such a jerk.

All we did was play just dance for half an hour then we ate granola bars, after we talked about eachother and she seemed like the exact SAME person as me! After I left to go get ready. I'm so exited!

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