Chapter 7

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(Mary's POV)

It says and I quote,mary I'm so sorry about hitting you with the vollyball so sorry I can say sorry my whole life it's the worst mistake I've ever made,listen Mary I really like I love you with all my heart you are the most beautiful girl I've ever seen I can't belive I ruined your face,mary will you go out with me? OMG Cameron Dallas asked me out! Me Mary!

Of course I will! but let me read Taylor's note. And I quote, Mary I love you with all my heart sorry for getting you In detention I'm In love with you will you go out with me? oh my goodness they both asked me out! what should I do!

(Taylor's POV)

I waited for her,Mary. She comes out of the bus. Man she is freaking smokin! She looks at me and I wave. She comes up to me and I give her my flowers "OMG Taylor what's this for!" "I'm sorry I got you in detention flowers!" she giggled. "thanks!" and she walked away.i bet I made my move first! boy I wish she says yes.

(Cameron POV)

I gave her my teddy bear a long time ago. Did she read it? WHAT IF SHE READ IT BUT IS NOT INTERESTED SO NEVER TALKS TO ME AGAIN! I hope that never happens. Im gonna find her. she's at her locker! "hey Mary!" she looks at me. "h hey cameron!" man she looks nervous!

(Mary's POV)

What am I gonna do! who should I fricken choose. I'll go on a date with both of them and see! "hey Cameron I read your note but I want to but Taylor also asked me so I'm going to go on a date with both of you and see who I like mostly." he looked like a Tomato! "y yea that's f fine." I said the same to Taylor. then I walk down the halls and you won't believe what I see!

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