Chapter 35

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(Matthew's POV)

Everyone was now in the hospital watching me die because I am giving all my blood to my sister. "Matthew you cant do this" my sister said. "but I already am" I said and put on a weak smile "why?" she said "it was supposed to be me in the first place right" I said "yeah but im older you cant do this!" she said "older or younger you wont stop me im almost d done" I said. 

"oh my god Matthew!" Mary said running to me "ill miss you i love you soooo much and magcon wont be the same without you!" she said "awww i love you too" i said and hugged her. "and even though I just met you you are the most amazing person" i said. "this is all my fault!" she said sobbing 

"no it isnt" i said trying to soothe her. "y yea it i is if you n never heard about t this i got you into this too so yea it i is!" she said. "listen its fine" i said But its not I want to live more but I have to show them ill be fine. "wait we have a doner for you Matthew" the docoter said and there stainding Aaron/ "AARON!!!" everyone yelled running up to him. "Matt I was in a coma for a while and I hated it but it felt peaceful yes i dont want to die but you are my best friend so if you die i die" he said. 

"listen aaron i i" I tried to say but everything went black. 

(Mary's POV)

"NOOO MATT!" I was yelling to Matt. BEEEEEEEEEEEEPPPPPP The heart moniter dropped. "Matt please" Jenette yelled. "Matthew your my best friend and nothing will be the same without you know that you are g gone" Carter said crying and now we were all sobbing.

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