Chapter 9

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(Mary's POV)

I walked home and started getting ready. What was I supposed To wear on the first date!! I've never been on one. But I probably don't want to tell him that. He has probably been on plenty. But I don't know what to wear so i put on something casual I guess.

I am wearing a blue shirt with a pocket, black skinny jeans, A black braided headband,brown boots,a brown purse,nerdy black glasses and yea pretty much it. I know that's not what you would wear on a date but whatever, I keep it simple.

(Cameron's POV)

I'm really scared what should I wear! This is what girls are supposed to think, I really like her and I'm not throwing simple! I'll wear a tux! It was 6 o clock and I have 3 hours with her. I took my phone picnic basket and blanket cloth and took my car and left to her house. which was a 5 min drive! I knocked and there she was.

I opened to see a gasped Mary! "hey Mary ready for our date!" I say "yea I feel like an idiot I'm all ugly and your all well nice looking!" she says. well I do clean up good. "Mary you are the prettiest girl I've seen and with or without makeup your gorgeous" I say

"Wow Cameron alright well We have three hours let's go!" I'm sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo exited!

(Mary's POV)

I opened my mouth! And what I see is a smokin Cameron standing in front of me. He says I'm gorgeous, yea right gorgeous my butt. We are in the car but before we go he puts a box in front of me. "Cameron OMG it's beautiful this must cost alot!" "no worries it's for the prettiest girl in the world so whatever you need to make you happy I'll do." he said.

Awwwww he is so sweet. "Here turn around." He is putting the necklace on me. "thanks it's beautiful!" when his hands touched my I felt something. I felt like nothing bad was ever going to happen to me I felt protected and loved. "Cameron thank you for all of this, you are truly the one I may pick I love you!"

We got out of the car and the ride was twenty mins and we were on a hill. He put a cloth on the floor and a picnic basket. "Cameron what's this?" I say. "a dinner I made, a light salad and fish tacos." he said "you made this." I say while he was setting up everything "well duhhhh!" he says

(Cameron's POV)

The date is going great so far. "so Mary sit." I said "I love you Mary I hope you will be mine forever." she blushed. "Cameron I love you to, hey you know the sunset isn't till 7." "I know so in half an hour it will start." I say.

"So Mary tell me about yourself." I said "okay I have vine and I love magcon and I know your in it but I'm calm about it and." I stopped her "you know about magcon!" I said. "yea so let me finish my favorite color is purple I like hip hop and rap music my favorite show is family guy and I love food!" she said.

"Ok nice my turn!" "My favorite singer is Shawn Mendes, my favorite color is black, I like hip hop and rap music my favorite show is the fosters and I love food too!" I said. she laughed. Then we looked at eachother and stopped talking. I looked into her eyes and she looked into mine.

I came closer and closer and gently pushed my lips against hers. We kissed for a second. Then we looked at eachother, "uh so how about those fish tacos!" Mary said. " y yea that would b be great." And I passed them out and we both ate are salads and are tacos.

(Mary's POV)

He came closer and closer and does what. KISSES ME! It was only for like a second anyway. When he touched my lips it felt like sparks. I think he could be the one if Taylor is better but who can get better than this.

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