Chapter 10

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(Mary's POV)

"Cameron this food is amazing!" I said. "thank you Mary." he said. But the salad tasted better then the fish tacos. "Cameron its 7 the sunset let's watch!"

"Ok." he yawned and put one arm around me. I scooched In forward and Cameron looked at me and said "you are beautiful." then I pushed my lips against his. we kissed for 6 seconds. "let's watch the sunset." he says

Did he not like the kiss because I did. What if he didn't like the kiss and he will break up with me!!!! Don't worry Mary you got this and then tomorrow is a Saturday so you can go on a date with taylor. honestly I wanna stop at Cameron. He could be the one.

(Cameron's POV)

I think she likes me a lot as much as I like her. You know how I can tell. She kissed me again. And this felt amazing, but I cut us off and she looked sad. I didn't mean it like that but whatever. "it's getting chilly" Mary said. "h here have my jacket." I said

"N no it's f fine you'll get cold." she said. Awwww she cares! "it's fine well both share." I took of my jacket and put it around both of us. We looked into eachothers eyes and kissed. again....

But this wasn't a 2 second one. This was a 12 second one. And once we finished she smiled and so did I. "I love you." I said. "me too." she said. So we ate and watched the sunset and when it was 9 we left. "I really had fun with u Mary!" I said. "so did I!" "bye!" I say and she slams the door and leaves.

(Taylor's POV)

I have to text Mary right now.

T-Hey Mary I have are date planned out!

M-Really ok where are we gonna go?

T-My uncle Ben owns a Lamborghini so we are gonna cruise all day in there!

M-that sounds like fun!

T-k pick u up at 2?

M-yeh c ya in an hour!

(Mary's POV)

Taylor wants to cruise in a Lamborghini, I mean don't get me wrong I've always wanted to do that but that's not really romantic. But it's fun and cool so I love that idea honestly.

Now on my date with Cameron I went simple and he went fancy. I don't want to go fancy because it's not really a fancy thing. So I'm wearing a white plain full sleeve shirt,an orange and blue striped scarf,jeans with holes which is the style btw,a golden watch,pearl golden earrings btw has a lot of pearls and light pink flats. Let's see how this date ends out.😁

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