» Chapter 27

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---- [W -> D] ----

D: I'm in love with a hero
W: You are?
D: And it's me!
D: It's me!
D: Perfectly wonderful me!
W: It's you!


W: What would you do if you accidentally summoned a demon?
D: Tweet about it


D: Check it--wireless touch lamps. I don't pay for electric bills in my little house here because I'm not a fucking idiot, so these come in handy!


W: Indiana Jones more like Fedora the explorer
D: I'm deleting


D: Are we gonna have a problem?
D: You got a bone to pick?
D: I'd normally slap your face off, and everyone here could watch
D: But I'm feeling nice so listen up here's some advice biotch
W: Dude, all I did was ask for some cereal
W: You don't have to get all Broadway on me


W: Where did you get that pen you always carry around?
D: Okay, so a few years ago when I had just started as Robin there was this café that we thought was laundering money or something, so Bruce got me to basically hang out there all day, and about halfway through the day, this women is up at the counter ordering. She says she wants a non-fat latte because she was "watching her weight"
D: So out of nowhere the guy behind her says "watching your weight? But what about the wait for your watch?" Which is a completely unhinged response like I know this was Gotham but wtf
D: Anyway, the women looks kind of uncomfortable and this silence falls over the entire café, I decided to break the tension so I said "you can't wait for a watch, you don't have the time"
D: and then he said, "oh, quick boy," walked over, gave me the pen, and walked out without ordering anything and I never told Bruce
W: You pleased the mad fae trickster


D: The only thing that could make this moment better is like if somebody had some garlicbread


W: We'll stand together even in life and death
D: Probably death
W: Death for sure


D: (wheeze)


W: Whats your religion?
D: Money
W: Okay whats your sign?
D: Dollar


D: How Extra are you from 0 to Shane Alexander Madej wearing sunglasses on a studio recording a song for the animated hotdog saga he invented
W: A solid Victor buying a pink sports car when Yuri only sent him out for milk with five dollars


W: You're a princess
D: I'm a queen wtf


D: Dude, it's 1922-
W: How do you lose?-
D: Things get lost!
W: That's 6 heads!
W: That's so many heads!
W: How do you lose that many heads?!


W: There you are, you Otaku son of a bitch


D: What if hiccups are just ghost frogs possessing people
W: Actually leave


W: Dick- stop-
D: Shut up, Wally, your opening a bar with me- end of story


D: I, personally, would love to calm down, and yet


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