» Chapter 44

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---- [W -> D] ----

D: Listen to my piano, you fool


W: If you keep ignoring your emotions like this, you will eventually break down
D: How unfortunate.


D: It's quite fun
D: Seeing it all crash and burn


W: Bro
W: Broski
W: Brotien
W: Brosicle
W: Broseph
W: Brotastic
W: Han Brolo
W: Broba Fett
W: Brotato Chip
W: Bromosexual
W: Brohemian Rhapsody


D: I'm famous and rich and hot, like, look at me, I'm killing the game
D: Just kidding I'm fat, depressed, and gay


W: Are you alive, you haven't sent a meme in awhile
D: Thanks for checking in
D: I'm still a piece of garbage


D: I am way too much of a bad bitch to care what people who don't like me think of me
D: You don't fuck with me that's cool with you, I don't care why
D: Like, go get another bowl of soup from the soup kitchen, fix ya eyebrows, and change ya socks


W: What else besides destiny could have brought us together again today?
D: Coincidence.


D: god I love cereal


W: you're impossibly fast and strong.
W: Your skin is pale white and ice cold.
W: Your eyes change colour. And sometimes you speak like... Like you're from a different time.
W: You never eat or drink or drink anything (except cold soba and green tea)
W: You don't go out in the sunlight.
W: How old are you?
D: 17?
W: How long have you been 17?


D: Just realizing how fucking cute I am, holy shit


W: I have superspeed.
D: I have two whole friends


D: I'm too famous to famous for this, I don't deal with this
D: I need to hire someone to do this for me


W: Close the door on your way out
D: We're in a tent


D: I love me
D: Just kidding put me in the hospital


W: Good morning cruel world
D: Dont you mean goodbye?
W: No, I meant good morning. This world may be cruel but I'm still kickin'
D: This... This cheered me up


D: Oh my god, it's a neglected child support meeting


W: This jackassery will not stand!


D: My emotions have three outlets
D: Haughty silence,
D: Tears,
D: And rage


W: Hey... quick question... help me
D: ...How in the hell did you set raw noodles on fire??


D: Heres a quarter
D: I own your car now


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