» Chapter 38

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---- [W -> D] ----

D: Ohh~ bars- but look-




D: Babs was fighting some thugs and one of them says "you sure you want to do this little girl? I mean, what if we're dangerous?" and she looks him dead in the eye and says "what if I am?"


W: We've got to clean the house now! Now people!
W: I want this place looking like Disney On Ice in one minute!


D: I'm pretty, your pretty, what do you say we go home and stare at each other


W: If Roy, Babs and I were drowning, and you only had time to save one p-
D: You dumbasses can't even SWIM?!!?
W: It's a hypothetical situation
W: Which would you save?
D: My time and effort


D: You better scramble like an egg before you get folded like an omelette bro

---- [The Three Muskequeers] ----

W: Press F to pay respects
D: F
R: F

---- [W -> D] ----

D: Did they just meme together?


W: Why are you booing me? I am right!

---- [The Three Muskequeers] ----

R: Catch me at my funeral later tonight lads
W: O? A party?
R: Your all invited to my funeral party if I die
D: Great, the only party I've been invited to and he might not even die

---- [W -> D] ----

D: Pls take ur masochistic ass out of this good christian chat


W: Where you at
D: Sleeping on the roof


D: u kno what nvm

---- [The Three Muskequeers] ----

W: Megan is one functioning lesbian tbh
D: Says the disaster gay
W: Fuck you functioning bi
R: Tf are you gays talking about
D: Stfu disaster bi
R: Fuck you I'm functioning
W: Are you sure about that


R: What r u two losers doing right now
D: Suffering
R: besides that

---- [W -> D] ----

D: What are you watching?
W: Say yes to the dress, wanna watch it with me?
W: Is
W: Is that you knocking on my door
W: How did you get here so fast
D: Open the fuck up bitch


W: I am fucking SPOOKED


D: If I could have one superpower it would be to be able to say 🅱 out loud


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