» Chapter 33

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---- [W -> D] ----

W: Ding dong you are wrong


D: Next to watching Tim trip over his own shoelaces and fall down four flights of stairs, this is the best thing that's ever happened to me


W: I'm feeling a feeling that feels the way a chocolate chip muffins smell


D: I just walked into this party and someone called dibs


W: Hey, Dickie, can you tell me the opposites of these words?
W: Always, coming, from, take, me, down
D: Never, going, to, give, you, the fucking satisfaction


D: Any headphones are noise-cancelling if your music is loud enough-


W: I am the smartest, most skilled in this group
D: Is your hand stuck in that vending machine
W: I paid for my Cheetos. I'm getting my Cheetos

---- [The Three Muskequeers] ----

D: You are my fire
D: The one desire
W: Believe when I say
R: I want it that way


W: Let's start by talking about the emotions you guys are feeling right now
D: Stabby
W: Stabbing... isn't really an emotion, it's more of an activity... that I hope you don't do to me
W: See, an emotion is more of a feeling
D: Well maybe I feel stabby
W: So sculpting
W: Why don't we come up with an idea for a sculpture we can all build together
R: A knife
W: Let's think of something big and not deadly


D: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UehyB0AO7DM


W: What's the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?
R: Disappoint my parents
D: Turn my swag on
D: Take a nap
R: Men
R: Regret it
D: Wash off the blood from the previous nights' kill
D: You can't wake up if you never go to sleep
R: Cry internally, cry externally, cry eternally
D: Hug my boyfriend and say I love you... *pillow, I hug my pillow
R: 7 am, waking up in the morning, I have to be fresh and go downstairs, then I'll get-
D: I lay in bed for another hour, unable to move, dreading having to face another day of my petty existence, going through the motions set out by society, never making a significant mark on the world
W: You okay there buddy?


D: Wally how do I destroy my enemies
W: You shouldn't make enemies, you should let things go and start over, never hold onto anger
D: Roy how do I destroy my enemies

---- [W -> D] ----

W: How many times are you and Babs going to sing your version of baby its cold outside?
D: "I really can't stay" "baby its cold outside" "I have to go away" "I'm gay and you'll die outside"


D: Oh, come on. What's the harm in us just... taking a look around?
W: With this group? Clearly, you haven't been paying attention




D: Slade is my enemy, but it turns out Slade is also his own worst enemy. And the enemy of my enemy is my friend. So, Slade is actually my friend. But, because he is his own worst enemy, the enemy of my friend is my enemy, So, actually, Slade is my enemy. But-

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