» Chapter 39

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---- [W -> D] ----

D: Words can't hurt me these shades are Gucci


W: God I love blackmail


D: You better not eat all my gummy-worms
W: Ummm aren't you missing???
D: Not important, just don't eat my fucking gummy-worms


W: Understandable have a nice day

---- [The Three Muskequeers] ----

R: Children, in this world it's yeet or be yeeted
W: Yeeten?
D: Y O T E

---- [W -> D] ----

D: People on the internet are so mean...
D: Including me, fuck off


W: I would die for you Richard
D: You will.


D: One time Tim was chillin on the side of one of our beds and he stole a chip from Jason and said "the gods have smiled upon me" and Babs pushes him off the bed with her foot and says "we live in a godless world" and nothing has shook me to my core more than that


W: Hate u so fucking much I was gonna say that
D: Git gud scrub


D: I'm an entrepreneur bitch
W: In what exactly??
D: Everything I do

---- [The Three Muskequeers] ----

W: Aww Roy! You know you love us!
R: I would sell you both for a half full, lukewarm, shitty cup of coffee.

---- [W -> D] ----

D: I taught a robot how to fear


W: I feel like he's the embodiment of 'meet me behind Chick-fil-A in ten minutes for an ass kicking'


D: Death Note...
D: That's a stupid name
D: Mmmm what would be better than Death Note...
D: Die-ary

---- [The Three Muskequeers] ----

R: You'll die right next to Dick
W: An honour

---- [W -> D] ----

W: Free tape for everyone!
D: Thanks my guy


D: I have recently terminated my relationship with my former significant other, I bestow upon you her 7-digit telephonic sequence.
D: You fool! For that is the incorrect telephonic sequence! OHHHHHHHHH!!


W: How do you even have a secret identity
D: Idk what you're talking about
W: Your Twitter bio is 'World-known piano prodigy, legendary Viner, TV star, secretly a superhero, teen billionaire, acrobat, best-selling author'
W: And your most recent tweet is "I swear to me guys, I really am a superhero, "
D: I'm a fucking master of stealth


D: The most impressive thing about me is that I've met Beyonce


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