» Chapter 47

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---- [W -> D] ----

D: Stop staring
W: But you're so pretty!
D: This!! Is a life or death situation!!


W: I don't have the money and you don't have the time


D: So many pathetic creatures, scattered across a handful of islands, drifting on this sea like fallen leaves on a forgotten pool


W: What do you think will happen this weekend?
D: A few limbs fly off. A casualty in the basement. Six charges of first-degree murder.


D: Be diplomatic.
W: Yeah.


W: Fine. Let's go whore ourselves out for some fucking coconut


D: Did you know people call Timmy's one friend Stephanie the untamed God of College Parties
W: I thought that was an urban legend??


W: Hello my beautiful lover, just wondering, did you eat my hummus as it seems to have disappeared and I was so looking forward to it
D: Maybe


D: Would I rather be feared, or loved?
D: Easy, both
D: I want people to be afraid of how much they love me


W: You happy now?
D: I'm never happy


D: Sorry I annoy you with my friendship


W: There may or may not be- but there definitely is- a mutiny forming


D: I can not tell you how I plan to escape, other than by using magic. That is the magician's code.

---- [The Three Muskequeers] ----

R: Why don't you just steal the answers?
D: actually, good idea
W: no that's cheating
D: yeah that's cheating, Roy

---- [W -> D] ----

D: That's politics, baby


W: is this allowed? is this allowed?


D: Run, thottie, run
W: I'm fucking running dude


W: If your trying to teach me a lesson consider it learned! I'm on a duck, begging!


D: How many Summers do we have??
W: One every year


W: You find my pain funny?!
D: I find everyone's pain funny


D: Are you disrespecting me in my own house?!
W: I mean, you know this is my house
D: It's really our house at this point
W: Oh yeah? Then when are you going to stop breaking in and start using your key?
D: Never


W: I didn't sign up for this!
D: Actually you did, it was in the contract I gave you yesterday

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