» Chapter 42

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---- [W -> D] ----

D: Every now and then I like to do as I'm told, just to confuse people.


W: I'll take that as a compliment.
D: I must have said it wrong, then.


D: Thank you, sir.
W: Don't call me "sir"
D: Thank you, ma'am.


W: Dickie no
seen at 4:37am


D: How did you find me?
W: Oh, it was easy, really. I just listened to the sound of complete and utter betrayal and followed that.


W: What would you say if someone told you being gay and mean wasn't a personality?
D: "good thing I'm not just gay and mean then; I'm rich too"


D: Wally isn't wrong very often.
D: But he's annoying all the time.


W: But you're the most beautiful, smartest, perfect person in the world. 
D: Well, you're right about all those things.


D: Walls I need the-
D: Also, I didn't have a chance to-
D: Marry me?
W: Took care of that too, we've been married for the last seven years.
D: Excellent.


W: So you lied... about everything?
D: I didn't lie... I just avoided certain truths to manipulate you...


D: Wally, in your professional opinion, how do I die?
W: Murder. Gangland style execution. Never find your head.
D: That's the nicest thing you've ever said to me


W: You're an awful person.
D: Maybe, but I'm rich and I'm pretty, so it doesn't really matter.


D: Alfred sure is one hell of a butler


W: Roy wouldn't hurt a fly!
D: He would kill a man tho


W: You use emojis like a straight person
D: That's literally the worst thing anyone has ever said to me and I will never forgive you


D: Bruce might've raised a depressed, emotionally unstable, nervous wreck but he ain't raise no BITCH


W: You know, underneath it all, you're actually kinda nice.
D: Repeat that disgusting slander again and you'll be hearing from my lawyer.


D: Cheating on me is easy, but learning how to walk after I slice the tendons in your legs is hard. Do you see what I'm saying?
W: Yes sir you're scary sir


W: We've been duped!
D: Duped!
W: Bamboozled!
D: We've been smeckledorfed!
W: That's not even a word and I agree with you!


D: To the people in cars shouting at me for not 'getting out of the way,' bold of you to assume I don't want to fucking die


W: I'm so cold
W: But going inside would make me a coward
D. Where are you?
W: Outside you fool

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