» Chapter 48

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---- [W -> D] ----

D: What do you think would happen if we kissed right here, right now
W: I think it would cause a riot
D: Well, you know me
D: Causing riots is what I do best


W: Gotham post must have a field day with you
D: Today's headlines was "Wayne Heir Dick Grayson-Wayne responds to question "are you Nightwing?" with "Bitch I mightwing."


D: Hey how many S's are in charade?
W: put in like three just to be safe


W: Why are you like this?
D: Trauma, baby!


D: Howdy partner

---- [The Three Muskequeers] ----

R: Shut the fuck up none of you are gamers

---- [W -> D] ----

D: I love using my siblings for the betterment of my twitter account


W: oh my lord
W: I love you for your instagram feed
W: saved & cherished
D: oh, honey
D: i'm just here to spill the tea,,,
D: and it is sTeaming


D: morals are lost when monopoly is played
W: Its almost as horrifying as Uno


W: You want anything to drink?
D: The tears of our enemies wretched from their bodies as their bones are crushed
W: I have Jasmine tea??
D: Ooh, Jasmine. Yes, please


D: Man, watching Bruce drop someone off a roof is always weird
D: Like, its 20 feet. Walk it off
W: Dickie, you do know normal people don't just "walk off" a 20-foot fall, right?
D: ,,,yes


W: You might not remember this, but there was a time when I thought you were out of my league
D: Babe, I AM out of your league, you're a very lucky man
W: Honestly I tell myself that every day


D: Timmy was going through Jay's closet like, "we need more shirts"


W: You'll never guess what happened
D: Did you see a cute dog
W: I saw a cute dog!
D: !!!


D: people don't think it be like it be, but it do


W: What are you doing?
D: Looking for trouble. If I can't find it, I shall create it


D: Timmy just sent me a video of Jay taking off his leather jacket to reveal a second, secret leather jacket underneath


W: They don't call me a fucking dumbass bitch for nothing


D: Honestly I have bullshited my way through more than a decade of my life and it worked out Fucking great

---- [The Three Muskequeers] ----

W: whomst the fuck's man is this
R: The real question is:
R: Who's mans am *I*


D: Way to go, Paul
W: Nice, Ron
R: What the fuck, Richard

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