Chapter 1

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( cupa Stirling )

Momma! "are you ready?"

( Xena Stirling )

Yes sweetheart, "I am ready."

So why don't you go outside and wait in the stroller okay, "and after I had grabbed my phone and my bag" all of us were on are way to the park to play.

( dax Stirling )

"I can't wait to play on the swings!"

( boo Stirling )

I know, "I can't either."

( cane Stirling )

"I am going to play in the sand box."

And before our family had went to the park, "me and my siblings had gotten out of our stroller to find a big old box with tiny humans in it" and they were all hurt but they were all alive.

So we had told our parents to please take us all home, "and our parents had agree."

And once we had arrived home, "our parents had carefully took the box away from us" to take them all to have a check up.

( Edna Bert )

When my family had saw Mr. And Mrs. Stirling coming with a big worn out box, "I had asked them what's in the box until they had shown us" and I had felt very sick to my stomach at what I had saw.

"No body should ever get hurt like this!" So then our family had brought the box over to the emergency room to get there wounds all cleaned up.

( Sasha Bert )

After my parents had cleaned up there wounds, "I had carefully taken them all to get bathe and dressed in all new clothes before i had taken them all the the young family to get all nice hair cuts."

( Victoria young )

When I had saw Sasha Bert, "coming to me with a box a frightened tiny humans" I had carefully told Sasha that she can put them on the counter and my family will get there hair cuts done.

( Adam young )

Okay mom, "so do you want to do one at a time or what?"

Then I had saw that we were cutting there hair one at a time, "and after my parents were all done cutting there hair" I had game them all tiny lollies pops.

Then Mrs. Sasha Bert had all the little human toddlers back in the box, "to her station."

( Sasha Bert )

Okay, "little ones let's get you all into some nice clothes so you won't be in your undergarments."

So after I had carefully sat the box down on my bed, "I had told all of them to line up to get there day outfits and sleeping outfits."

( sabah William )

After waking up, "all of us had been hearing kind voices but we were all still scared and tired."

( lion baker )

After along day, "we all just wanted was some sleep and somebody to love us" and know that nobody will hurt us all and thrown out like garbage.

( crystal snow )

So after we had all gotten our outfits, "we had went to put our new outfits on" and they look really pretty" and then we had all gotten our sleeping wears.

"And they look so cool."

( belle Watson )

I agree with crystal, "they really do look pretty."

( Marj dragon )

So after all of us had gotten our day and night outfits, "miss Sasha had told us that we Are going to live with the Stirling family but will have all own bedrooms."

( Sonya Marie )

"Which was okay."

( Cassie jobe )

Then all of us had waved goodbye to miss Sasha, "and listen to are new family."

( Jane Wyatt )

So after all of us had walked down to our new rooms in the human corridors, "we had all saw are own bedrooms."

( Brittany Marie )

Our bedrooms were so pretty, "and we had all found are own little dresser full of clothes to wear in our favourite color."

( Michelle evergreen )

This really does feel like a dream, "and once we all wake up" we will be put back in reality again.

But after I had pinched my face, "I had felt pain and realised that this was all real."

( jayden evergreen )

After I had finished looking around my new room, "I had felt my tummy was hungry."

So we all had went out of our rooms, "and find our giant family so we can eat some dinner and not go to bed being hungry."

( rippey evergreen )

After our new giant family had us sat on the table, "our parents had went to tell the chefs about us."

( MANDY Lockwood )

While me and my family had been making everybody there dinner, "my family had heard some talk about these poor little human children's living on the streets" and now they are living in our giant house.

( pat Lockwood )

I had served chicken and rice to everyone, "and after dinner my family had did the dishes."

( jen Lockwood )

"It was nice to meet some new faces today."

( Jake Stirling )

Okay kids, "it is time for bed so get dressed in your sleeping wear."

"And get your teeth brushed for bed."

And to our new family members, "your four big siblings will give you a tour of our house so you won't get lost somewhere."

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