chapter 25

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( brittany mern )

when i had woken up, "i had saw that i was in my bedroom again" but i had a weird dream that we were taken from our family and our parents had died.

then i had started to cry, "so then mom and dad had came in to my room to see what was wrong?"

"so i had told them that i had a bad dream, about them dieing in a fire."

( molly gates )

when me and daddy had went into brittany bedroom, "we had saw that she had a bad dream about us dieing in a fire."

( bill gates )

oh sweetheart, "don't worry we are not going anywhere" so don't worry okay.

now why don't you go play, "okay."

( brittany mern )

then i had went to the playroom, "to play."

when i had gotten into the playroom, "i had saw michelle was driving her car" while the others are either still fast asleep or playing something else.

"then i had walked up to michelle to see what she is thinking about?"

( michelle bert )

after i had drove my hello kitty car on the track, "i had noticed that sister brittany had woken up" so we had taken turns driving the car until it was time for dinner.

"for dinner we had: hot dogs and fries."

then after everybody had finished eating dinner, "it was time to go to bed."

( molly gates )

hunny, "i think brittany should stay home so she can go to her appointment with her therapist with mrs. misty."

( bill gates )

okay, "maybe she can help our daughter with her bad dreams" so she won't be scared anymore.  

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