chapter 33

13 2 11

( fiona welsh )

so after the new kids had finished eating lunch, "it was time to go to our class room."

my favourite classes are gym and art, "it was nice seeing brittany and michelle again."

me, brittany and her sister are in 4th grade, "while there sister sabrina is in 5th grade."

and then after classes were over, "it was time to go home."

but before i had gotten into my mom car, "i had asked my new friends if we can have a slumber party on this friday?" and when i had saw they were nodding there heads yes i was happy.

( lucy william )

when i had saw our girls had made friends with ana welsh daughter, "i was happy and they have a slumber party on this friday."

then i had drove our girls home, "to have dinner and see there surprise at home."

( calbow william )

after my girls had came home, "i had showed our kids" our family pet bird fay.

girls this is fay, "and fay this is sabrina, brittany and michelle" i really hope you all will be good friends.

fay is a trained bird, "and she is very playful."

so she will be playing with her toys, "or flying brittany around the house for fun."

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