chapter 17

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( molly gates )

when i had woken up in the morning, "i had made breakfest for everyone to eat."

and then i had saw our babies had started to wake up, "so i had went to get them out of there playpen to eat."

for breakfest i had made was: baby pancakes and scramble eggs, "and then i had warmed up there baby bottles to drink."

then the rest of our childrens had gotten up from bed, "so i had gave them there food and there milk and juice to drink."

( bill gates )

*yawn* "good morning everybody so what are we going to do today?"

then my wife had told us that we will need to sign our toddlers up for pre-k soon, "but then i had saw my wife had looked sad when she knows here kids are growing up."

oh sweety you know, "we can always adopt some more kids into our family" so please don't cry.

( molly gates )

oh i know, "i just don't our kids leaving us when they get old i want our family to stay together."

then after everybody had finished eating there breakfest, "we had took them into the frontroom to play" and watch tv."

umm hunny, "while the childrens are all playing and watching tv" can you help me get jasper, raven, sophie, sabrina, sasha, jen and adam all signed up for pre-k.

( bill gates )

okay, "i'm coming."

so after a couple of minutes were gone, "we had gotten our toddlers signed up for pre-k" and there teacher is mrs. frizzle.

then we had went for a walk, "since it was such a nice day out" and then we had walked to the park to play.

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