chapter 21

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( molly gates )

as the years had went by, "our children's were all growing up" sally, rob, thomas and jasmine were out of high school and going to college.

then i had saw our other kids getting ready for there last year in middle school, "and moving on to high school" so after they had left for school.

it was time for our third group of kids, "to go to school and today is there last day of pre-k and kindergarten" so they will be going into middle school.

once again i had felt sad, "to see our children's all grow up so fast in a couple of years" but i can't be sad forever because i might be a grandma to there babies.

( nakia )

when i had woken up from my nap, "my brother gizmo had wanted to play fetch so then we had both played fetch until our family had came home from school."

school must be very tiring, "me and my big brother should know" because our father had taught us how to be have in cat and dog school.

so after our family get there rest, "me and my brother gizmo are going to ask them to play."

( gizmo )

after i had saw my little sister nakia had gotten up from her nap, "i had passed our ball over to her" and we had played fetch all day until our family had came home.

but then when they had went to get there rest, "i had went to see what our father was doing in our guard house" but then when i had saw our father on the ground and not moving i had felt scared.

: * ( nooo! daddy? why do you have to die.

me and my sister nakia, "are still not ready to be guards yet! so please come back daddy."

( nakia )

when i had heard my brother crying at our house, "i had went to see what was wrong?" and then i had saw my brother gizmo by our dad crying at him to get up.

then i had went to our father, "and when i had felt his skin it was cold as ice."

: * ( so then me and my brother had ran out of our house to get our other family, "so we can have a burial right by our real parents."

( bill gates )

when me and my wife had saw steven little family running up to us, "crying we had felt sad for them" because there real parents had died and was buried in the graveyard.

so our guard steven had took gizmo and nakia in as his family, "and now steven had died of old age."

( molly gates )

so after we had buried steven, "it was time to say our good byes."

when steven had came to us, "he had told us that he had lost his family in a house fire" but god had told him to live out his life.
so after he had found us, "we had became his family until he had heard some sound coming from the gates" so he had went out to see a box's of pets.
then he had saw that the mother cat ally was dead along with gizmo father cake was dead, "so then steven had buried the two parents in the ground" and took the two orphans in his care.

and after we had said our goodbyes, "we had placed our flowers on his grave" here lies steven he was a good friend and a good family member.

"then we had gave gizmo and nakia to say there good bye to there adoptive father."    

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