chapter 35

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( calbow william )

after i had gotten up, "i had ate my eggs and pancakes for breakfest."

before i had went to work, "and while i was at work i had almost forgot that it was our girls open house tonight."

and our girls will be out of school in 5 minutes today, "so i had finished my shift and go to there school."

( lucy william )

so after we had saw daddy, "it was time to visit our girls teachers for open house night."

Phoenix high middle school, "is a wonderful school for our kids to learn at" and there teachers are very nice.

then after we had visit sabrina teacher, "we had went to meet brittany and michelle teacher" and as the day had ended.

we had all went to eat dinner at McDonald, "and then it was time for bed."

( fay )

when i had woke up, "i had heard the family had came home" and then they had went to bed.

and then i had saw pictures were on the freezer, "and i have to say sabrina is a really good artist."

sabrina had draw me giving brittany and michelle a ride around the house, "it was so beautiful that it had brought me to tears : * ) then i had went back to sleep."

i really love this family so much, "they are so wonderful and fun to be around."

"wait why is brittany and michelle up? do they have school today" then after i had checked my calendar yesterday was wednesday and today is thursday.

but when i had looked at them, "i had saw that they had passed out on the floor" and then i had felt there forehead so i had gently picked them up.

and put them back into there rooms, "then i had went to get them buckets to get sick in with a cold rag on there face."

before i had went to get there parents, "to tell them that brittany and michelle are sick."

( lucy william )

when i had saw fay was awake, "i had saw that fay wanted me to follow her to brittany and michelle rooms" and when i had felt there heads.

i had went to wake up there father, "so we can take them to the doctor today" while there sister sabrina goes to school.

( calbow william )

after we had saw our kids doctor, "she had said that our girls has the flu and a high fever" but we were lucky that our kids fever had went down a bit so that is good.     

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