chapter 9

10 3 4

( Jake Stirling )

"Umm hey sweetie? How about we let our kids go see those human kids today" it is really not good for them to stay in there rooms all day.

( Xena Stirling )

Hmm, "okay HUNNY."

So after we had getting our kids, "out of there rooms to go see there human friends."

( cupa Stirling )

when are parents had taken us all to the play area, "we had saw our human friends and met there new siblings and there parents."

( dax Stirling )

It was fun playing hide and seek, "with everyone today."

( boo Stirling )

After playing, "I had asked our human friends why they had ran away from our house."

I had wanted to be your big sister, "but when I had woken up from my nap" I couldn't find you or the others anywhere *sniff* so why did you all run away."

But when i had looked up at Brittany, "I had saw that Brittany was coming to comfort me?" but I just wanted to be left alone for now.

( cane Stirling )

When our parents had came over to us, "we had all go home" until it was time to eat dinner.

( MANDY Lockwood )

I was trying to think what to cook for dinner, "when I had saw my family had came in."

( pat Lockwood )

Oh hi, "sweetie is there anything you want us to help you with in the kitchen?"

( MANDY Lockwood )

IDK, "I really can't think of anything to cook for dinner."

( jen Lockwood )

"Umm we could have Chinese for dinner?"

( lion Lockwood )

"Umm we could have McDonalds for dinner?"

( Sonya Lockwood )

"Umm we could have catfish, macaroni and cheese with greenbeans for dinner?"

( MANDY Lockwood )

Umm okay HUNNY, "what do you think we are going to have for dinner?"

( pat Lockwood )

I like Sonya food idea for dinner, "and then I had lead our kids out of the kitchen so me and mom can cook."

Then after we had passed out all the food and silverware, "onto the table it was time for everyone to eat."

And after everyone had finished eating dinner, "it was time to pass out banana bread cake for dessert."

Then it was time, "that everyone had went back to there home" for bed.

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