chapter 26

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( molly gates )

after daddy had taken our kids to school, "i had taken brittany to her appointment" and after we had arrived i had saw that brittany had fallen asleep in the car.

since daddy has the van, "i had drove the car to brittany appointment today" then i had sat my daughter on the chair while i get her signed in for her appointment.

( matilda )

while my mom was getting ready in her office, "i had went to the playroom to play or read some books."

i had saw a lady at the sign in desk, "so i had picked up a book to read and sit down in the chair."

then before i had read my book, "i had saw the lady had sat down by a doll or maybe it is a child?"

and then i had saw, "the child had woken up" and was looking around still a little sleepy so i had told them that my mom is ready to see you now.

( misty )

when i had saw my daughter matilda had came back, "i had saw that she had brought my patient with her and the mother."

so then i had my daughter gently take my patient into the dream room, "to see what is wrong?" and then i had asked my patient mother what kinds of dreams she is having.

"so mam here is a list of dreams: good dreams, bad dreams, wired dreams or silly dreams."

( molly gates )

so after looking at the dream list, "i had told brittany therapist that my daughter is having bad dreams."

( misty )

hmm, "okay mam just sit down and watch that monitor in front of your daughter" so while we were all looking at the screen.

i had heard that my patient mom, "had gotten a phone call today so she had left the room to talk."

"then i had heard my daughter asking me if she can get a little sister or brother?" and then i had told my daughter that i don't know.

( matilda )

then i had waited for my mom answer, "but then i had told my mom that i would help out and take care of them."

and then i had saw my mom, "had nodded her head yes" so then after brittany appointment was done me and my mom had left.

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