chapter 24

6 3 4

( bill gates )

after i had taken our children to school, "i had went to get grocery's at the store."

then i had looked at my list to see what we need:

1. bread
2. eggs
3. butter
4. milk/ cottage cheese
5. cheese
6. meat
7. pizza
8. bacon
9. fish sticks

and then i had went to pay for my grocery, "and then i had went home to put food away."

then when it was lunch time, "i had went to the kitchen to make a sandwhich to eat for lunch."

( molly gates )

when i had went on a walk, "i had saw kids were coming out of school" so i had went to pick up our kids from school but then i had remembered that our children were on there swimming field trip so i had went back home.

so after i had went home, "i had heard my husband was listening to a music disk from our kids in college" and reading the fathers day cards he had gotten in the mail.

( jute mern )

while i was spending having fun with the guys, "i had stopped when i had my daughters coming off of the school bus."

so me and the guys had followed our kids, "that had went missing in the night."

( james smith )

so then we had took them all back home, "to live as a family again!"

( cecil strong )

but when they had saw us, "they had all started to run away from us."

so we had caught them, "before they could run away."

( ren underwood )

but after we had strapped them all in there seats in our van, "our kids were screaming and saying that they are being kidnapped" so we had all knock them out with a sleeping shot."

and go home, "with our children in the back fast asleep."

( jamey bert )

"umm i have a question why do our children's think we are the bad guys?"

( pat lockwood )

that is a good question, "i really don't know?"

( brock young )

so after we had finally had gotten back home, "we had parked our van and went to take our kids inside our house to put them all in there rooms so they can sleep."

( jake stirling )

hi sweety, "i'm home from my walk" and while me and the guys were on our walk we had saw our kids so we had went to get them from school and brought them home.

( xena stirling )

"really?! so where are they?"

( jake stirling )

well they are in there bedrooms, "fast asleep on there beds."

( zack miller )

but before i had sat down, "i had went to see who was at the front door?" after i had opened the door.

i had saw it was a cop, "at our door."

"umm hello sir can i help you?"

( calbow )

yes you can, "i am here to see if there was a bunch of kids that was kidnapped today."

so while i had done my search, "i had saw that i had found all of the kids" then i had called my team to come and get them all back to there parents safely.

and then my team had arrest the men, "and took them all to jail to have there trial in 5 days."

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