chapter 15

11 3 8

( Molly gates )

When I had saw our kids waking up from there sleep, "they had brunch and then we had all went out for a walk since it was nice out."

And once we had all finished our walk, "we had went to after little park to play before going home" and have dinner.

For tonight dinner was Chinese food, "and after everyone has finished eating it was time for bed time."

( Sally gates )

So after the 4 princesses had gotten out of bed, "they had started to play with there teddy bears knights and ate there food" and since it was night outside they had went to bed.

Then in the middle of the night the witch had came, "and took her four new daughters to there new house to live with them as a family."

There names were Sabrina, Brittany, belle and Sally mern, "so after the witch had put them in there cribs the witch had went to bed until the next night when she had went to the second castle for their 4 sons."

And after she had gotten her sons home, "there family was now complete."

So in the morning, "Cristina and Mike had went to there children room to get them up for breakfast."

( jayden Bert )

When I had woken with my siblings, "we had saw that we were not in our family castle anymore" and then we had saw our friends here with us.

( rob gates )

"Hey! Witch why did you taken us from our family?" And why have you put us all in highchairs.

( Cristina turner )

Well dears, "you all are going to be our children forever" and I had only took you all from your family because I was jealous of how happy you all were.

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