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A/N: hello! so this is the first fic that I've properly tried writing and I'm hoping you like it! obviously I don't own any of these characters and this is simply for fun. I'm not trying to force the idea of Larry on anyone, so if you don't like the concept, don't read this!

hope you enjoy the story! I'm always open to feedback of any kind so let me know what you think! thank you,

~bee. xo.


Louis' POV

I woke up and knew this day would be hell. I could barely open my eyes and my head was pounding.

"Ughhh," I groaned as I sat up and turned off the alarm blaring from my phone. Why did I choose the most annoying one?

I dragged myself out of bed and pulled back the curtains. Light flooded my previously dark room and I squinted, looking out the window at the trees swaying lightly in the breeze. I frowned as I thought of the day I had ahead of me and flopped back down on my bed.

I stared up at the ceiling thinking about how many different ways the day could go. I hadn't seen my friends in a long time. We'd met up now and then, and texted and tweeted one another but we hadn't properly hung out in ages. The reunion wasn't coming as soon as we had anticipated, but I had a feeling today would change that.

Suddenly my phone rang, and I reached over to see the name of one of my best friends.

"Louis Tomlinson, you'd better be wide awake because I'm coming to pick you up in half an hour and I'm ready as ever," Liam's voice rang in my ear and I rolled my eyes.

"What the hell Liam? It's 7:00 a.m., I thought we were all meeting at like, noon or something."

"Yeah change of plans Tommo. See you in 30!" and then he was gone.

I chucked my phone down onto the bed beside me and groaned once more. I was never a morning person, and I was not about to start now. But I did know I had to get ready, so I headed over to my suitcase and got dressed. I had been staying at a hotel for a couple nights because we were meeting in New York. I wasn't sure who chose to do that or why they chose to do it, but that was the plan and it had been made a long time in advance.

I checked the time and saw that it was 7:45. I ran to the elevator (Liam hated waiting, and I knew this) and pressed the button over and over, as if that would make it come any faster.

When I reached the car, I flung the door open and hopped in.

"Louis! You scared the shit outta me!" Liam shouted.

"The fuck do you mean? You knew I was coming," I replied, giving him a confused look.

"Yeah but I wasn't paying attention. For all I know you could've been a psycho killer!"

"That's your own damn fault isn't it Payno?" I said grinning at him. "Now shut up and drive, 'cause if you're gonna make me get up this early, we'd better not be late."


Liam and I walked into the bar and went around to a place in the back. Liam explained that Niall knew someone who worked here so he'd made sure we had the space to ourselves. I nodded and followed behind him.

When we walked through the door my heart stopped as I took in the moment. We hadn't all been in one place in what felt like forever. All five of us, in one room, with no tension, just love. Any little bit of drama had been smoothed over and now we were ready to get back to how we started.

"Well," I said to break the silence. "What's up lads?"

Niall jumped up off the couch he'd been sitting on and threw his arms around me. He was smiling so big. Harry and Zayn were already here too (because Liam and I did end up being late) so they greeted Liam. We all stood there catching up and then we sat on the couches.

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