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Louis' POV

"Jesus Christ, how many times have we been over this? I like the lyrics but I don't think the melody is working. Something isn't right!" Niall complained. We were sat on Zayn's hotel balcony trying to work out a song that we'd been stuck on for weeks.

"Well what do you propose we do, Niall?" Liam retorted. Niall rolled his eyes.

"Okay, okay. Let's all relax. I think we've been at this for a little too long. We need a break," I suggested. The lads nodded in agreement.

"I actually have this photoshoot scheduled so I have to go. You guys can stay here if you want, I don't mind," Zayn explained. "I'll be back in like, two or three hours, and then we can get back to it, yeah?" We all agreed. It was around 4:00 p.m. and we'd started fairly early in the day. I got up and followed Zayn through the glass door and into the main room. I headed to the kitchen and grabbed a beer from the fridge.

"See ya, Louis," Zayn called from the door.

"Bye Zayn. Have fun being pretty!" I teased. I heard him giggle before he shut the door behind him. I spun around and came face to face with Liam. I jumped.

"Louis we gotta talk, like, now," he demanded. He looked very serious and it worried me slightly. I agreed and we walked over to the couch and sat down. "Okay, listen," he began. "I didn't want to bring it up because I didn't want to bother you, but I have to ask. What's happening with you and Harry? You won't even look at each other."

I creased my eyebrows together and fumbled with my hands in my lap.

"Come on. I know all that stuff went down at the party but didn't you forgive him? It's been a month, and I can tell he's miserable without you. He hasn't been the same since that night."

"Ugh," I groaned, running my hands through my hair. "I know he's sorry, but I can't just pretend it didn't happen. I'm not going to do that. Liam maybe we're just not supposed to be together, you know?"

Liam scoffed. "You're not serious, right?"

"What?" I asked, crossing my legs on the couch and facing him.

"You can't possibly believe that you and Harry aren't meant to be. From the second you met you've been the two closest people in the entire world. No one connects as quickly as you two did."

We walked up to the front of the X-Factor house and gawked. It was huge. I took a picture right away to send to my mum. I felt something on my shoulder and turned my head to see Harry with his chin rested there. I smiled and he did the same. Gosh he was cute with his little dimples. I turned back to the house and watched Zayn, Liam and Niall run past us and inside. I remained standing with Harry, trying to take it all in.

"Come on Lou I wanna go in," Harry pleaded.

"I'm not stopping you," I replied.

"I wanna go in with you, though," he said. I smiled once more and then headed inside with Harry in tow.

The main foyer was pretty large, and a big staircase seemed to lead to the bedrooms.

We ran up the stairs and found our room. There were two bunk beds and one single bed. Liam and Niall had claimed the two top bunks while Zayn had taken one of the bottom bunks. Harry and I looked at each other, and then both bolted towards the single bed. Unfortunately, he flung himself onto it before I had a chance. He lay there on his back laughing like crazy and I quickly grabbed him by the wrists.

"Harry Styles, you give me this bed right now! You know I hate bunk beds!" I pointed my finger in his face as he continued to laugh. "I'm serious! Get up, now!" 

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