Bickering in Bed

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Louis' POV

"You knew about them and you didn't tell me?"

"I promised them I wouldn't. And besides, I figured there wasn't much to tell. It's not like they're actually a couple." Harry shrugged.

"Yeah but they're . . . they're something, aren't they? I mean, they never used to make out all over the place!"

"Louis, relax. I'm sure they'll figure things out. It's probably nothing," Harry assured me. I rolled my eyes and flopped down on my bed. My hotel room was chilly, as it was the beginning of October and I'd left a window open all day. Harry was sitting cross-legged at the foot of the bed and I was opposite him, stretched out along the pillows.

"How long do you think it'll be before we start recording?" I asked, changing the subject.

"I'm not sure. Liam told me that we could start this week if we wanted to."

"Really?" I sat up straight, excited. "That's great! I want to tour so bad."

"Woah, Lou. One step at a time," Harry giggled. "I think before we even think about touring we have to record and finalize the album." I sighed and rested my chin on my hands. I missed touring so bad, especially with the boys. People always thought it would be too cramped on a tour bus with five guys, but I loved it.

While lost in my thoughts I climbed under the covers and pulled them up until only my eyes were poking out, staring at Harry. Suddenly, he stood up off the bed.

"Well I guess I should be heading home," he breathed.

"Oh shut up and cuddle me," I sassed, pulling on his arm as he giggled and hopped into bed beside me. Luckily, we'd brushed off any sand that'd been on us before hand, so I wouldn't have grains scratching me while I slept. Harry slid down under the blanket and lay on his side to face me. I flipped on my side and put my right hand on his cheek, rubbing it gently with my thumb. He smiled and shut his eyes.

"I love you, Louis." It came out as a whisper, and those four words made my heart flutter. I was so in love with this man. The one who I'd known was special the second we met. The one with the curly brown hair and the green eyes that made my pulse quicken.

"You're everything to me, Harry, really."

His eyes opened and his smile only widened. My hand ran down his body and stopped at his waist. I then scooted myself forward until our noses were nearly touching. He glanced down at my lips, not even trying to hide it before leaning and pressing his mouth to mine.

"Too many clothes," he mumbled against my lips.


"I can't sleep in all these clothes," he explained.

"Take them off then," I said, unable to stop the grin that appeared on my face right away.

"Lou I'm actually quite tired," he whined as he pulled his shirt off. "You're gonna have to keep it in your pants, okay?" I groaned and flopped onto my back. He wriggled out of his pants and then laid back down, this time facing away from me. I knew what this meant, obviously.

"Little spoon?"

"Always," he whispered as I rolled over and draped my arm over his side, clutching him to my chest. I nuzzled my face into the crook of his neck and exhaled deeply. "Don't you need to change?" he asked.

"No. I'm perfectly comfortable."

"You sure?"

"I get to hold you while you sleep," I said. "Of course I am."

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