Phone Call

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Louis' POV

"Hello, this is Louis."

"Yes, of course. I recognize your voice. We haven't met in person but we've spoken on the phone several times before," the woman on the phone said. I tried to remember the name Liam had told me, but I couldn't.

"Okay, well, was there something you needed to tell me?"

"Yes, there is. And I'm sorry we can't have this conversation in person. Unfortunately it had to happen immediately." I rolled my eyes.

"Would you just get to the point, please. I do have work to do."

"Right, right, God Lexi pull it together. Okay, um," she babbled. I sighed loudly and luckily she got the hint. "Alright, this is in regards to you and Harry. We've seen pictures from the charity event and let me tell you, people here at management are not happy."

"Well that's too bad, isn't it?" I said as sassily as possible. There was no way I was going to let this woman tell me I couldn't be with Harry. I wasn't going to give up without a fight. I heard her breathing heavily and figured she was thinking of what to say next. "So, what, they told you to call me and tell me to break things off?"

"Um . . ." she paused, "pretty much, yeah. Look I'm really sorry but you have an image to uphold. You're supposed to be appealing to teenage girls. That's the target audience, and if you two are gay and—"

"I'm bi. So's Harry," I interrupted curtly.

"Okay, well, if you two are involved in a gay relationship, how are you supposed to appeal to the girls?" The way she emphasized the word gay made me want to throw up. It was as though she thought I didn't know that I was dating a guy.

"You do know that we are in a band with three other guys, right? And are you saying that the only way girls would like us is if they thought they had a chance at, what, dating us? Is that it?"

"Well, yeah."

"Alright so I guess that means you won't be setting either of us up with fake girlfriends. Because if we had girlfriends, we'd still be taken," I grinned as I pointed this out, realizing that I'd made sure no stunts would happen again.

"I-I guess not, but—"

"Now listen," I interrupted once more, "you can tell your friends at management that Harry and I are staying together. I'm sure all three of our bandmates will stand behind us on this. I'm not going to let you people run my life. You don't decide who I do or do not date, okay? Have a fantastic day." I quickly hung up before she could answer. My heart was racing, and I was admittedly scared for the backlash I would receive from our managers.

I set the phone down and exhaled slowly, trying to calm my breathing. I didn't want Harry to know I was nervous in any way. He was already terrified by the whole situation, and I had to be strong for him.

"Hey. How'd it go? What'd she say?" Liam asked as I walked out of the bathroom. I'd gone in there to have some privacy.

"They want me and Harry to break up," I mumbled.

"And? Did you tell them no?"

"Of course. I told them they didn't decide what I did with my life, you know? I don't have to do everything they tell me to do. Oh, I also said you lads would back me up on this."

"Well duh," Liam said, pulling me into a hug. "We know how important this relationship is to both of you. We'll do whatever it takes to help you keep it."

I pulled back but kept my arms on Liam's broad shoulders. "Thank you, Li. That means a lot."

"Now go tell Harry that everything's okay, for now. He's sitting out on the balcony and he's as pale as a ghost. He's horrified, Louis," Liam explained. I nodded and headed past Niall and Zayn on the couches and out to the balcony to find Harry leant against the railing.

"Hey, Haz," I said once I'd shut the glass door. He spun around, quickly wiping his eyes. It was evident he'd been crying, and it broke my heart to see him that way.

"So, um . . . what did they say?" he said, his voice quiet and timid.

"They told me we had to end the relationship," I began, and didn't have a chance to finish before Harry burst into tears. He gripped the railing hard and covered his face with his free hand. It was as if he was embarrassed to be crying in front of me. "Harry, listen," I continued. "I told them no."

He lifted his head and  uncovered his face slowly.

"Are you serious?"


"What'd they say?"

"Nothing. I hung up on her."

"Louis! We're going to be in so much trouble!" Harry began to panic, pacing on the concrete of the balcony and muttering underneath his breath. I walked up to him and placed my hand on his arm, causing him to stop moving.

"What's the worst they can do, huh? There isn't much for them to do now. They can't blame it on drinking, and they can't set us up with other people. I kissed you in front of tons of people, completely sober. It's already all over the internet. Our relationship is out there now, and management wouldn't be able to pull any kind of stunt without the fans being even more suspicious than they already were. We're fine, Harry," I assured. Harry sniffled and wiped his eyes, his breathing harsh and choppy.

"I g-guess you're right," Harry stuttered between breaths. "Thanks, Louis. I l-love you so m-much." I pulled him into a tight hug, tucking my head into the crook of his neck. I could hear Harry's heart racing within his chest. I hadn't realized how fragile Harry was when it came to our relationship. After only a few seconds, Harry pulled away and frowned at me.

"What?" I asked.

"You didn't say it back."

I laughed. "I hardly think it's necessary. I figured you already knew." Harry crossed his arms over his chest, moving away from me.

"You still have to say it."

"My god, Harry, you're pouting like a little kid."

"Lou," Harry whined.

"Harold Edward Styles," I began, stepping closer to Harry and snaking my arms around his waist. "I am absolutely, positively, entirely, one hundred percent in love with you, in every way imaginable."

Harry shook his head, beaming. "You're an idiot," he giggled before pulling me in for our second kiss of the day on that stupid balcony. And standing there kissing him, I was happy, although there was a touch of worry in the back of my mind.


A/N: soooo i haven't updated much lately sorry about that. i've been reading a lot which motivated me to write more so we'll see how that goes

and of course, thanks for reading :))

~bee. xo.

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